NWod Mass Effect/Archetype Merits

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Archetype Merits

Rough ideas for the different Archetype Merits.


Split into Distortion, Integration and Kinetics. Every dot in a Discipline unlocks a single power from it, and uses of any power under a Discipline are at Resolve + Discipline rating. Player gets to choose what power(s), there's no 'ladder'.



A 'barrier' type of power actually caused by intense mass effect distortions in a shell.

Affects an area Resolve x 5 yards in radius. Roll Resolve + Distortion – the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to successes. Anyone attempting to perceive (hearing, sight or any other form of sense, including radar etc) suffers a penalty to all rolls to do so equal to the biotic's Resolve – and indeed need to make such rolls in the first place. To the outside world, the barrier haze looks like warped, shimmering glass.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage.


A single-target crippling attack. Not interested in emulating the damaging effects of Reave – would rather go with the crippling emphasis.

Works as a mid-ranged power but rather than an attack roll it's an opposed roll of Resolve + Distortion vs target's Stamina. Failure means that the target suffers wound penalties as if they had their boxes filled out (ie -3 – note that this isn't cumulative if the target is already suffering wound penalties). Effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to Resolve.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage


A close-range AoE thrashing tangle of gravitic pulses. This is a personal defence/close assault power.

Affects an area of Resolve x 3 yards radius around the biotic. Roll Resolve + Distortion to see how many turns the power lasts. Inflicts a -2 penalty to Speed and on all attack rolls and Athletics rolls made by anyone other than the biotic in the area of effect.

Cost: 1 point of Willpower.


An AoE penalty-applier. Singularity as per the computer game is too potent for this, really; instead, consider the gravity effect of the spacetime distortion to be a very strong pull but not a yank-off-floor strength power.

Mid-ranged (or maybe short-ranged?) power. Pick your target point and roll Resolve + Distortion; result is number of rounds it lasts. Affects an area Resolve x 5 yards in radius. Anyone in area must make a Strength + Athletics test against 'defence' of biotic's Resolve to move in any direction other than towards the middle, successes are number of yards they can go. Everyone in area gets pulled 5 yards towards middle every round.

Cost: 1 point of Willpower


A basic biotic attack. Intention here is something that is a) worth using rather than a gun under some circumstances but not all while b) works to give a different flavour than a regular shooting attack. Key aspects of the power that I want to emulate are good against armour and explodes when hits a biotic effect.

Works as a ranged attack (range to be decided – something mid-ranged I think) using an attack pool of Resolve + Distortion. Damage is Resolve in lethal levels, ignoring Armour. However, Warp half damage against a target with any levels of Shields remaining, although it works fine against biotic Barriers.

Successes on the attack roll do not add to damage. Instead, if Warp is used against a target already undergoing a biotic effect there's an explosion of radius equal to successes rolled in yards, dealing damage equal to Resolve to anyone in the radius.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage



Let's start with the can of worms, then. This is the basic biotic defence, giving Shield-equivalent health levels that need to be punched through. However, you never see someone with Shields and Barrier up at the same time (I think?). Is it good enough for Barrier to therefore be the back-up that a biotic throws up once their Shields are knocked down? Or should a biotic be able to raise Barrier on top of (or under) Shields and have both running at the same time?

Barrier provides a number of Barrier health levels equal to the user's Resolve. These levels work the same as Shields, but are affected in different ways by various effects. Barrier does not stack with existing Shield levels, but it can overwrite remaining Shields if they are lower than the user's Resolve (so using Barrier with Resolve 4 when you have 4+ Shield levels is useless, but if you have 3 Shield levels it replaces it with 4 Barrier levels). Roll Resolve + Integration - the user gets a bonus to resist knockdown/being moved around equal to the number of successes.

Barrier lasts for a scene, or until Barrier health levels are all lost.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage.


Zoom! Going to ditch the shield-recharge effect of Charge, it's got quite enough going for it already.

Charge allows the user to near-instantaneously move up to Resolve x Speed in yards. This movement must be in a straight line, doesn't allow the user to pass through solid obstacles, but may allow them to go straight over gaps of up to their Speed in yards wide. Roll Resolve + Integration; increase the user's Defence by the number of successes for 1 round (note that, as normal, Defence doesn't help against firearms at range).

Cost: 1 Willpower point


This is the power you very rarely see used by biotics to enhance their punches/kicks (such as Samara's Boot To Face in cutscenes). The only power with no roll involved, as you're already having to make a Strength + Assault roll to hit in the first place.

Smite is reflexively used to enhance an unarmed melee attack. Add Resolve in levels of bashing damage on a successful hit, and the biotic may choose to upgrade the damage to lethal instead.

Cost: 1 Willpower point (should it be just 1 bashing damage instead?)


Stasis! Lacks the damage of powers like Slam, but has a massively boosted control effect - literally locks the target in place. Only 1 round duration to keep it from being seriously scary; not sure if should bother with the repeated-Statis-on-same-target-is-less-effective thing from the game though. Willpower point cost already helps with that issue.

Target makes a Strength check with a penalty of up to the biotic's Resolve (biotic chooses how much exactly). Failure on the target's part locks them in place for 1 round, completely unable to do anything. However, they gain Armour equal to the Resolve penalty that the biotic applied (so a -4 would add 4 to the target's Armour) that affects all attacks, whether against Shields, Barriers or health levels, and adds to normal Armour when against health levels.

Cost: 1 Willpower point


A note here – unlike in the Mass Effect games, the effects that grab people do not render them totally helpless and limp (that kind of total neutralisation is the realm of Stasis). They can still move, look around, shout and, indeed, try to aim and pull a trigger while flailing around (for appropriate penalties of course).

There will be some extra modifiers for using these on really big and heavy things.


This is the slowfall/semi-flying shown by a few biotics – the power of Kinetics applied to the self from an 'outward' technique, rather than the inner strengthening of Integration. This one will be straightforwards.

Roll Resolve + Kinetics; this is the number of turns the biotic can slowfall for, at any speed below that of normal falling speed. They can move sideways in any direction up to their Resolve in yards per turn, as long as they continue to have some downward velocity.

For a -3 penalty to the roll, the biotic can choose to glide up to Resolve yards per turn in any direction instead of just slowfalling.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage.


The basic screw-someone-over Kinetic technique. Grab someone, pull them up into the air; the key thing about this power is that, as with Lift and Pull, it's a focus on using mass effect fields to get someone up and hold them rather than applying biotics to intense force.

Affects a single target at mid-range. Roll Resolve + Kinetics (with a penalty equal to the number of Shield/Barrier health levels the target currently has) to lift the target a number of yards equal to successes. A gentle drift can be applied to the target as they are lifted, so they will move 1 yard per round in a particular direction. The power can be maintained for a number of turns equal to biotic's Resolve.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage.


And here's a Kinetic direct-damage power, using a quick bit of finesse with very powerful mass effect fields to pick up and slam the target into something very hard indeed. Similar end-effect to Warp, really; let's make this one more costly (a Willpower point) for a slightly bigger package of stuff (potential higher damage and prone). Makes Slam better against unarmoured targets, whereas Warp comes into its own vs Armoured and Barrier'd targets.

Affects a single target at short range. Roll Resolve + Kinetics (penalty for remain Shield/Barrier levels again) as a ranged attack roll, dealing Resolve in lethal levels of damage and leaving the target prone. Note that unlike Warp, successes do add to damage.

Cost: 1 Willpower point.


A pseudo-AoE effect. We've got a weird design space here to manoeuver in as we've already covered the knockdown effect with Slam and Throw, and want to avoid too much repetition on a theme.

Sends out an AoE pulse in one direction, range of Resolve x 5 yards and 5 yards wide. Roll Resolve + Kinetics once and apply the results against Strength rolls for every target with no Shields/Barriers in the area; any targets beaten are knocked down. Shielded/Barriered targets take 1 point of damage against their defences as a the kinetic strike assails them.

Cost: 1 Willpower point


Applied force. This power can also be used to pick up heavy things and throw them at people.

Affects a single target at mid-range. Roll Resolve + Kinetics (penalty for remaining Shield/Barrier levels again) to hurl the target successes x 5 yards distance (and dealing bashing damage equal to successes if the target ends up impacting into something, maybe lethal damage if they're thrown into something really vicious). Target must make a Dexterity + Athletics check to recover and avoid knock-down, with a penalty to the dice pool equal to the Biotic's Resolve.

If used to chuck stuff at people, it's basically a ranged attack dealing bashing (generally) damage equal to successes. Bigger, heavier stuff is a penalty to the attack roll but may add one or two levels of damage.

Using Throw on someone already under the effect of a mass effect field (ie Glide or Lift) = added hilarity. Get some bonus dice or throw them further or something.

Cost: 1 level of bashing damage.


Split into Engineering, Interface, Medicine & Science.

Tech builds off skills. Using Tech Merits generally either requires a skill roll (ie Science rolls for the Science Merits) or affects an existing skill roll (ie a Merit that gives you 9-again on Medicine rolls). Again, each dot lets you pick a particular power out of that Merit, so a three-dot Engineering Merit might grant Overload, Shield Boost and Vehicle Expert powers. These are mostly self-explanatory; they also include more non-combat options than the Tactics skills.


includes various shield-boosting and -breaking, gear-based enhancements, etc.


gives you hacking-on-the-fly to bork peoples' comms or subvert robots, research-boosters, etc.


obviously boosts healing for yourself & others, as well as toxin stuff.


gives you unstable materials use - ie the Incinerate & Cryo type powers - alongside enhanced scientific analysis capabilities.


Split into Assault, Command, Firepower and Resilience.

Tactics is basically new capabilities or boosts to skills. It doesn't rely on skill rolls to use. Each dot of a particular Tactics Merit basically unlocks another option from that Merit's list, ie someone with Command 2 generates two bonus dice per scene that can be spent in two different ways that he's picked off a list.


is the Adrenaline Rush / charging / short range mayhem / reflexes / fitness collection of powers.


basically offers bonus dice that can be used by the entire squad in increasingly varied ways as the character gets more dots in the Merit - mostly combat-focused, obviously.


is self-explanatory - suppressive fire, picking out weak-spots, laying down crossfires and generally offering gun-based battlefield control.


is again self-explanatory, the Merit tree that lets a fighter be a triple-hard bastard - get more out of armour, extra health levels, fighting on despite grievous wounds etc.

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