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Spring Wind

Concept: Youthful warrior seeking fame and power

Rank: 4th
Archetype: Warrior
Chi: 11 (3/11 Cultivation) Wood: 3 (0/15 Cultivation)
River/Aura: 2
Cultivation/Entanglement/Other Destiny: 33/17/20
Destiny/Entanglement Left: 0/3
Destiny Spent: 20
Chi Threshold: 11/22/33 - 16/32/48 Joss (Chivalrous/Malicious): 2/1

Benevolence: 3, Force: 4, Honor: 4, Loyalty: 3, Righteousness: 1
Ferocity: 2, Individualism: 3, Obsession: 1, Revenge: 3, Ruthlessness: 1

Disadvantages and Chi Deviations
Ravenous – Wood Chi Deviation: Due to your increased Wood Chi, your appetite is enormous! You must eat many times the amount of food that a normal person must eat.

Combat Statistics
Eight Legends (Sword) [Speed +10, Strike +20, Footwork +10, Block +10, Damage +5, Toughness +5]

Skills – 20 Destiny
Awareness +5; Crafting +0; Hardiness +10 (Breath); Learning +0
Might +10 (Disrupt); Politics +0; Stealth +0; Tactics +10 (Combat Analysis)
Confidence +0; Finesse +0; Inspire +0; Medicine +0
Perform +5 (Singing); Ride +0; Survival +0; Wu Wei +0

Light Armor [Increases Chi Threshold by 5 for Injury Conditions] (Free)
Sword-Body Form [+5 Speed, +5 Strike, +5 Block, +5 Footwork, Flood a die to increase cost of Chi Aura to 2 Chi per die, Focus on Breath with a single die] (3)

Kung Fu – 25 Cultivation (20 Wood/5 Normal)
Eight Legends (Laughs At: Traditional styles, Four Major Weapons; Fears: Uncommon weapons (needles, chains) and unorthodox techniques) [Speed +5, Strike +15, Footwork +5, Block +5, Damage +5, Toughness +5]
- Miracle Strike [Increase Strike to +15] (5)
Boundless Prosperity Manual (Elemental Wood Style)
- 1: Retain Balanced Nature [+5 to Recover from Disrupt or Disorient described as a physical disability of some kind]
- 2: Act Without Resistance [+10 Damage]
- 3: Covering Weakness with Strength [Round-long, may spend 1 Chi to extend the duration. Treat Injury Conditions as if they were one step lower to determine their effects]
- 4: Five Element Supreme Combination [Round-long duration. Gain +15 Bonus to any Combat Statistic; you may Boost this technique, spending 2 Chi per additional Combat Statistic to gain the Bonus]
- 5: God-Body Transcendence *1 Cultivation towards this technique

Secret Arts: 5 Cultivation
The Warrior’s Art
- The Secret Arts of Battle
- Extraordinary Warrior Techniques
-- 5 Unassailable Battle Saint Technique: Spend 1 Joss on Critical Success for applying Combat Condition to yourself to make it Major

Loresheets: 17 Entanglement, 3 Cultivation (3 Normal)
1 Involvement: Blazing Beacon
1 Involvement: Heaven Hunters
0 Master Jun’s Library
- 5 Destiny: You will discover one of the secrets to Master Jun’s Library
-- -2: You’re not the only one searching for the secrets
0 Power Relationships of Shen Zhou
0 Sifu/Disciple Relationship: Howling Tempest
- 1 Status: “Student of Howling Tempest” – Daoist Sage and Blade Dog
- 3 Destiny/Involvement: You already are or soon will be embroiled in the affairs of your Sifu
-- 3 Technique: Sword-Body Form - Treat your Sword as if it has Unarmed properties, or your Unarmed as if it has Sword properties
0 Owl Legion
- 5 Fortune: Sins of General Zheng – You are one of the few survivors of the Owl Legion's depredations in the Central Plains. Though just a child at the time, the memories of the soldiers bearing the Imperial insignia, of the wholesale slaughter, and - most of all - of the cruel and dispassionate general who led them have never left you. You would recognize his face (and perhaps the faces of his descendants ...) anywhere. You have a Paired Balance Condition: you have a Minor Breath Hyperactivity when pursuing revenge against those you hold responsible for the crimes, and a Minor Breath Weakness when you fail to pursue an opportunity for revenge.

Chi Conditions:

Way of the Youthful Warrior – Minor Fire Combat Condition – Interval 1 Chapter – Recovery 30+
- Condition: Displays of youthful exuberance and joy fuel this approach to combat, being awed by powerful techniques and expressing your desires to learn more and improve and how fun the fight is will grant you a bonus.
- Bonus: +5 Action Bonus
Revenge – Minor Paired Condition – Interval (Lore) – Recovery (Lore)
- Condition: Seeking revenge against those you hold responsible for the destruction of your hometown. If you fail to pursue an opportunity for revenge, suffer the penalty.
- Bonus: +1 Chi Breath
- Penalty: -1 Chi Breath
Dutiful Student - Minor Obsession Hyperactivity
- Condition: Ever the dutiful student, you will do what it takes to fulfill the wishes of your master. When your Sifu has given you a task, you attempt it to the best of your ability, always pushing to do better and better!
- Bonus: +1 Chi Breath