Stereotype List

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A list of stereotypes and archetypes for use in games. Everyone gets stuck now and then, and this list might help you out of a pit.

== Kids, stereotypes and archetypes are NOT the same thing

Function-Based Stereotypes

Function-based stereotypes are categorized by their role in the story, and most of them are so generic personalities that they can be customized to almost any genre.


Maverick Cop/Special Ops/Starship Captain who doesn't play by the Rules but gets the Job done: Who needs skill or experience when you can rely on a chiselled jaw, neccessary plot development and sheer dumb luck? Captain Kirk is an example, but there are many examples in movies and fiction.

Temperamental Police Chief: Or any superior officer whose job is to get outraged at the rules-breaking antics of the cocky hero.

Straight Talkin' Lawman: Think Gary Cooper in High Noon. Duty to be done no matter what.


Alien Companion: (S)he comes from another time/dimension/planet. Ready to guide other people through strange places because maybe (s)he wants to go home, keep on visiting the multiverse, or some secret divine task. Examples : Jhary-A-Conel (Corum), Pie'oh'Pah (Imajica)

Joker/Jester: He/she is always making jokes, even in the face of certain death. Can be either useless or competent, and is usually likable. In horror genre is the first to get killed. Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet, Chandler in Friends.

Mount: Loyal and faithful steed that often has more bloody sense than its rider.

Redeemed Hero: He was a bad guy but is trying to return to the light.

Roommate: Usually of a ditzy New York woman. She's sassy, cynical, worldly wise and doesn't think much of men.

Trusty Companion: The hero's sidekick, this character has no obvious powers or skills. His redeeming quality, however, is his absolute loyalty. Stays with the hero through it all, even if the hero treats him poorly. He can also serve as a moral anchor for the protagonist. LotR (Samwise), Buffy: the Vampire Slayer (Xander).

Young Hero: (...that becomes experienced) Not really tied to any setting, a staple of heroic stories. Star Wars (Anakin and Luke Skywalker), Wheel of Time (Rand and his friends), The Belgariad by Eddings (Garion) and many, many others.


Absent-Minded Savant: This is the character who's the world's foremost authority in his field, but woefully unequipped for life in the real world: the physicist who can model Heisenberg uncertainty experiments in his head, but can't remember to wear matching socks, or the befuddled old mage who remembers his spells at the WORST possible time.

Conspiracy Theorist: "The NSA & CIA work together to cover up the fact that they have alien technology." "AIDS was created by the Russians." Totally obsessed and often a danger to the people around him. Often a Believer, but more out-of-it and dangerous. "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."

Friend of All People: He or she is the urchin who knows all the streets and everyone in them.

Grizzled Detective: he's seen it, done it. He's got his problems. He's jaded, cynical but still does the right thing against his own better judgement. Chandler's Philip Marlowe is your old standby. John McLean in Die Hard. Garibaldi in B5. Richmond in Suikoden II.

Love Interests

Lost Love: They're out there....somewhere, though circumstances have seperated them and the protagonist, and one day they'll be reunited. The Lost Love usually gets killed a few minutes after such an event.

Otherwordly seductor/Seductoress: Like the rat-demoiselle who seduces the mouser, his/her wrongness is part of their charm. poison ivy or james bond

Spitfire Tomboy Who's Nonetheless Cute As A Button: Quite often, turns out to be the Hero's True Love Who Gets Overlooked For Half The Series In Favor Of Someone More Exotic.

Star-crossed Lovers: The girl and boy who can't get each-other because of their environment. From Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Can easily be put in just about any setting. Also see The Lost Love. AFL players are Gay!

... "Glad to see your mgaaning to finding ways to revive the Gloria Wise story." Glad to see you are still too stupid to grasp the point that a felony was committed by Err America

Wow- ieednd! How do they manage after the Oscars started canceling theirs due to taxes?@Savour- the people who get this stuff never need it. The chaffeurs at Oscars and Grammys often benefited- sigh...


Gentleman Spy: Suave, certain of himself, this man keeps his suit straight even after escaping from an exploding plane in a helicopter. Ladykiller with a quick and ironic wit. Often a bit cruel. James Bond of course.

Girl Who Becomes a Boy: She becomes sailor, bard or warrior.

Likable Thief (with a heart of gold): Again, not really tied to any genre, although the halfling is a classic fantasy example. Again, Salvatore (Regis), but also Star Wars (Han Solo).

Scoundrel: Related to the Likable Thief and the Brash Pilot. Ruggedly handsome, charming but also a bit egoistic and arrogant. Can't be bother by rules or laws. Very pragmatic and often materialistic. His smarts often save him from the mess he gets himself in. Harrison Ford is often the Scoundrel, as he played both Indiana Jones and Han Solo.

Aye- Detonator relaly rocks, and wish something similarly spectacular looking was available for ipad especially the smoke plumes. Perhaps it's worth spriting up ?Seriously though, as ever, looking good. Good job with the ships tilt- I'm working on a similar effect in my game just haven't quite nailed the natural look I want yet.I see with your explosions that they sort of happen at a point in space- I'm experimenting with adding some of the ship's velocity to the instantiated explosion prefabs to get the explosions to move with the player. Haven't quite decided what looks the best aesthetically yet though- but I'd recommend playing with it.



Hustler: This is a soft, decadent type, with or without a heart of gold, that likes setting up deals, likes seeing deals work out, and likes taking his percentage. Crapgame in Kelly's Heroes is a perfect example.


Gentleman Villain: Suave, certain of himself and powerful. High breeding mixed with unbound ambition to Rule The World. The villains in the James Bond movies. Dracula.

Knight in Black Armor: Avatars of Evil dressed in black, come to destroy the hero, they usually are a mirror image of the same. Example: Darth Vader (Star Wars).

Urban Villain: Suave, charming, the guy you can't quite bring yourself to hate. Usually working toward an admirable goal, but using questionable methods. Often either a friend of the protagonists, or someone the protagonists will have to team up with. Occasionally, just a bad guy you want to root for. Ex: Ozymandias from the Watchmen, Riku from Kingdom Hearts and quite a few from Edding's Belgariad series.


Amazon: This female character, usually a warrior but sometimes a wizard, MUST ATTEMPT do everything better than her male rival. Usually these are both PCs and often they are dating. eg Annie Oakley.

Boisterous Barbarian: Likes ale, wenching, and bashing in heads, not necessarily in that order. Almost invariably burly and bearded, unless female--in which case 'wenching' should be replaced either with 'manning' or simply with the understanding that the Amazon is so intimidating that men are too scared to approach her.

Brooding Swordsman: Dark, Mysterious, often melancholy he usually wears a black cloak (or trenchcoat, if modern) and always carries a sword. Haunted by his own personal demons or a past he cannot forget he sits quietly and (you guessed it) broods, until combat ensues and he turns into a quisenart of destruction. eg. Elric, Drizzt Do'Urden and any Vampire:tM character who carries a katana.

Independent Woman: She’s tough as a man and intent on proving it at all times. Often loses her independence by falling for the male hero after proving she's just as good as him. example - Red Sonja

Mercenary: He doesn't care if he fights in the side of good or evil. He is neither particularly clever or strong but he is tough, gets the job done and wants payment. Then off to another place. Clint Eastwood in westerns or some of his opponents there are good icon characters.

Vet: This guy was in the Big One, and compared to the Big One, everything is the Little One, and he's always telling you how much harder he had it. Older, salty, and prone to flashbacks in the middle of a firefight. ex Louis Fedders.

Paul, I have known you for over 10 years. I fanlliy understand as to why you have had so much faith in me, even when I was lacking in faith myself. I just wanted to say thank-you for everything.