Guide to the Region

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I would like imaronftion about a University of Texas archaeological dig in the 1930s about five miles north of Longview, Texas. This was about a quarter mile south of Hollybrook Drive (which was only a rural electric right of way at that time) and a quarter mile east of Tryon Road. This was most likely the John McFarland farm. My father bought this land from the McFarland family in 1945 and I grew up there. At the convergence of two creeks was a small burial mound, possibly 6 to 8 feet tall before it was excavated with a series of trenches running from east to west about 20 feet long. These were still visible when I was a boy in the 50s and early 60s. Information which I inherited from my father was that there was also a small village to the south of the creek on the high ground and that it and the mound were from the middle Caddoan period 700 c.e. There was also a very old road which ran by the village site east to west and down to the spring across the road from the Winterfield Methodist Church on Tryon. From there east it was obliterated. I believe this to be the remains of the southern Caddo Trace which showed as 8B on an 1840s map of Texas trails. It began on the eastern end of Caddo Lake and proceeded southwest across Upshur and Gregg counties and across Tarrant County. Somewhere west it joined with the Comanche Trail. It was later used as a farm road in the 1800s. There were the remains of a bridge across the creek under the trestle on the old Ore City Railroad bed a few hundred feet east of our home on Hollybrook Drive. Would to know more.