Apocalypse World Snowfall

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Revision as of 18:33, 26 February 2012 by Volsung (talk | contribs) (PC Sheets)
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The Wiki for Apocalypse World: Snowfall.


Always The Firebringer, Hocus, played by Mr. Nay
Trey, The Gunner, played by Volsung
Boss Edge, The Hardholder, played by Nalyd
Orchid, The Skinner, played by Polotet
Fauci, The Savvyhead, played by Slyben
Domino, The Chopper, played by DannyK

PC Sheets


• *Cool+1 Hard+3 Hot-2 *Sharp+2 Weird-1 A Man in a Scrounged mismatched armor with a Scarred face,Mad eyes, and Hard body.

Danny_K/Domino :+1 SlyBen/Fauci: 0 Polotet/Orchid:0 Mr Nay/Always: 0 Nalyd/Boss Edge:+1

• assault rifle (3-harm close loud autofire ap) • hunting rifle (2-harm far loud ap) • many knives (2-harm hand infinite)

• armor worth 2-armor (Scrounged mismatched armor. He scavenged several military factions armor to build his own...removing any signs of allegiance) • oddments worth 1-barter

Battle-hardened: when you act under fire, roll+hard instead of roll+cool. Insano like Drano: you get +1hard (hard+3). NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH: in battle, you count as a gang (3-harm gang small), with armor according to the circumstances.


Coming Soon!