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"Fort Norton" is a PBP game of [Apocalypse World] being run by Al Billings.

The game revolves around the lives of a gathering of anti-heroes living in the hardhold of "the Fort" in an unknown location in the former continent of North America fifty years after the apocalypse.

Session Guide

There is a summary of the events so far: 2: Plague of Awesome

Current Character Stats

Character Barter Harm XP Highlighted Stats
Colonel Embeke ? 3 ? ??
Burroughs the Brainer ? ? ? ??
Jess the Savyhead ? ? ? ??
Precious the Battlebabe ? ? ? ??

Hx Table!

Horizontal is the characters, vertical is the characters they have Hx with.

Names! Embeke Burroughs Jess Hammer
Embeke ? ? ? ?
Burroughs ? ? ? ?
Jess ? ? ? ?
Precious ? ? ? ?

Local Map of the Fort

Sponsorship and Credits

[Apocalypse World] is written and published by Vincent Baker. Find out more and buy it at the link.