Apocalypse World Snowfall
The Wiki for Apocalypse World: Snowfall.
Always The Firebringer, Hocus, played by Mr. Nay
Trey, The Gunner, played by Volsung
Boss Edge, The Hardholder, played by Nalyd
Orchid, The Skinner, played by Polotet
Fauci, The Savvyhead, played by Slyben
Domino, The Chopper, played by DannyK
PC Sheets[edit]
(Gunlugger) A Man in a Scrounged mismatched armor with a Scarred face,Mad eyes, and Hard body.
Stats Cool+1 Hard+3 Hot-2 *Sharp+2 Weird-1
• assault rifle (3-harm close loud autofire ap)
• hunting rifle (2-harm far loud ap)
• many knives (2-harm hand infinite)
• armor worth 2-armor (Scrounged mismatched armor. He scavenged several military factions armor to build his own...removing any signs of allegiance) • oddments worth 1-barter
Battle-hardened: when you act under fire, roll+hard instead of roll+cool.
Insano like Drano: you get +1hard (hard+3).
NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH: in battle, you count as a gang (3-harm gang small), with armor according to the circumstances.
Danny_K/Domino :+1
SlyBen/Fauci: 0
Mr Nay/Always: 0
Nalyd/Boss Edge:+1
(Skinner) A woman in showy scrounge wear with a striking face, arresting eyes, quick hands, and a slim body.
Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot+2 Sharp+1 Weird=0
Moves: Lost and Artful Gracious
Gear: oddments worth 1-barter, an ornate dagger (2-harm hand valuable), a long gorgeous coat (worn valuable), and a skin and hair kit (applied valuable).
(Savvyhead) Ambiguous gender, utility wear plus tech, pretty face, calm eyes, fat body
Stats: Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot=0 Sharp+1 Weird+3 HX: Always+1 Boss Edge=0 Domino=0 Orchid-2 Trey-1 XP: 0
Moves: Reality's fraying edge, Deep insights, Oftener Right
Workspace: a garage, skilled labor (carna, thuy, pamming), transmitters and receivers
Always the Firebringer
(Hocus) Man Tattered vestments Open face Burning eyes Graceful body
Stats Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Moves All the basic moves plus; Fortunes Charismatic Divine protection
Acolytes of the Firebringer
(A cult with few followers, dedicated, a powerful psychic antenna and desperate) Fortune: +1 Surplus: 1-barter, augury Want: hunger, desperation
Gear Oddments worth 2-barter
(Chopper) Look: Woman, showy snowmobile gear, weathered face, narrow eyes, sturdy body.
Stats: Cool +1, Hard +2, Hard=0, Sharp +1, Weird -1
Moves: Basic, plus:
Pack Alpha: When you impose your will on your gang, roll +Hard. On 10+, you get all three, on 7-9, choose one: --They do what you want --They don't fight back over it --you don't have to make an example of one of them
Fucking Thieves: when you need something, roll +hard. On 10+, one of your guys has it. On 7-9, they have something similar unless it's high tech or rare. On a miss, somebody stole it.
Gang: The Ice Weasels. About 15 tough guys and girls. They ride late-model tricked-out snowmobiles retrofitted for more cargo space and light armor. They're fuel efficient and faster than almost anything on the ice. Downside, they're a bitch to maintain and spare parts are hard to come by. The bikes are mostly black, but they keep white tarps to cover them with in hostile territory, and their outfits are dirty white to blend in. They have no particular discipline or battle order, but they take care of their bikes and weapons out of self-preservation. Nobody wants their ride to crap out on them when they're fleeing snowmen or carrying trade goods. I can flesh some out names and one-line descriptions if that would be helpful.
Mechanically: well armed and armored, high maintenance bikes: (3-harm gang small savage 2-armor vulnerable grounded)
Gear: Domino wears the prettiest gear of any Weasel, flowing white coats with armor plates sewn into them, warm and protective both (1-armor), with a white helmet with mirrored glass. Her snowmobile, Lady, is bigger and shinier than the rest, with armor that's been installed with care, not just slapped on, room for another rider in back and ample cargo space, and an engine powerful enough lead the pack. It sucks down way more fuel than the other ones, though. (fast, aggressive, luxe, guzzler) Weapons: SMG (2-harm close area loud), sawed-off shotgun (3-harm close area messy). Weapons are for when you can't run away.
The Ice Weasels
About 15 tough guys and girls.
Tum Tum
The Posse
10-20 violent people
Silver. Trey' sister. She's working in the stagger Inn, the kind of girl next door who lighten up a place and she works in here. Of course, Trey is overprotective with her and he sees her as a nun (He's badly mistaken). Old Nick
The Dead
The Hardhold[edit]
your population is small, 50-60 souls. Want: anxiety instead of want: hungry
your gang is well-disciplined. Drop unruly.
your armory is sophisticated and extensive. Your gang gets +1harm
for gigs, add a manufactory. Surplus: +1barter, want: +idle
your population is lazy and drug-stupored. Want: +famine
your gang is small instead of medium, only 10-20 violent people