The Kennels

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Mysterium training academy, specialising in the magics relating to shapeshifting. Students are taught that God's creation is perfect and entire, and althought the Exarchs have made things harder, all solutions to the problems of the world have natural solutions. There is no "main facility": the faculty consists of a roaming group of Thyrsus who train adherents in many of the world's wildernesses.

Requirements: Thyrsus, Life 2, Mystery Initiation 1

Effect: add +2 when casting spells that augment and enhance bodily capability, like Honing the Form and Transform Self. This is a tinkerer's art: it does not affect magic that changes something into something else completely (adding viper venom to a dog bite yes, turning a dog into a pile of vipers no).

Drawback when the transformation's duration lapses, subject takes 1 bashing damage.