Negima: High School Magical Students

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Anna is an apprentice monster hunter, and as part of that has been infused some certain vampire-like powers using a Monster Hunter ritual. At night she is quite strong and wild, though during the day she acts tired and often falls asleep during the middle of class.


Edward is Simon's roommate, and evidence points to him being a mage. Brother of Mary


Emily is a Kitsune, a shapeshifting fox, and is able to take any human form. She is something of a trickster and can seem impulsive by human standards.


An entrant in the beauty contest, not much is known about Gia other than the fact that she does not seem to speak.


Mary is the sister of Edward and apparently a mage as well. She is an abrasive girl and has crossed paths with the PCs on several occasions. She seems overly concerned with her popularity in the school and tried to win the beauty contest by cheating.


Roommate of Rex. Melvin claims to be an inventor, though the exceedingly esoteric nature of his inventions has lead the group to believe that he is actually a mage with a focus on enchanting; when questioned as to why he needed fox hairs to make a camera (that could produce an infinite number of photos without film) he claimed it had to do with quantum mechanics.


Paula is a tough girl from New York; though thoroughly American she received ninja training from an older japanese man in return for a portion of what she stole. Claims to have come to the academy to get away from several warrants for her arrest. Though strictly a normal human, Paula is extremely good at sneaking and getting wherever she wants to.


Sam Takahashi is a third generation Japanese American. He is owner of a sword possessed by an ancient samurari spirit and ancient ancestor of his family, and is a skilled swordfighter. Orphaned at a young age, Sam is also somewhat wealthy.

After being somewhat shanghai'd by Mao so she'd have a date, Sam and Mao have settled into a long term relationship, though he seems unsure what to think of her being a jorogumo.


Roommate of Jackie and a mage specializing in the stars and divination. Sharon is in reality a unicorn, though rather than being a shapeshifter she has been permanently transformed into a human by powerful magic. Sharon has very little knowledge of technology or human culture, which can make for awkward moments. She is also very shy, but claims that by the standards of her people she's incredibly outgoing.


Tiffany is the roommate of Mina, and was completely unaware (almost stubbornly so) of the Academy being unusual until Mina forcefully introduced her to the occult by creating a pactio with her. She is sarcastic and seems to always be watching some form of horror movie, claiming they are more interesting than reality.


One of the first students the group met on arriving at the Academy, Thomas is a normal boy who simply followed along with the group to flirt with all the cute girls. Though now aware that the academy is more than it seems he is cautious about getting involved in what he sees as beyond him.