Negima: High School Magical Faculty

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Mana steadily refuses to talk about herself other than claiming she is just a normal girl, which is an obvious lie. Others have claimed that she is a "spell that learned to talk" though they admit to not knowing more than that. Though appearing the right age for a student (and wearing the uniform), Mana is actually a math teacher.

Mana speaks in fluent English, though in an overly specific style and with an odd choice of words. During Winter Break a distortion of magic at the academy caused the appearance of several more girls that looked like Mana; one claimed that the original Mana was an image of something unspecified that was somehow "projected" into the world.

Ms. Klara[edit]

Math teacher for the group, Ms. Klara is also caretaker of the island and in charge of keeping all of its students safe.

Nathan Klara[edit]

Dean Nathan Klara is the elderly head of the academy. Though not appearing very impressive, it has been implied that he is a powerful mage.

Mr. Oliver[edit]

Transported everyone to Raleigh Academy. Enthusiastic.

Miss Raum[edit]

English teacher for the group, Miss Raum is a succubus who feeds on the emotions of passion and ardor. She is quite happy to play the villain at times but is generally helpful to her students, much as they may hate her assigned reading.

Sir Ruarc[edit]

Magic teacher for the first year students, Sir Ruarc is a short and wizened man who is quick to complain about the incompetence of other mages and students.