Session 231

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Verithe is now +ix

  • Verithe appearifies

--»| YOU (Verithe) have joined #Nobilis
«BethE» Hiya V!
«Verithe» Hi!
«Random_Nerd» Hey, V.
--»| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.104.IP) has joined #Nobilis
«Knockwood» Hi guys
«BethE» Hi Knock!
«BethE» I get to role-play in public on Monday!
«Knockwood» Try not to get arrested!
«Knockwood» :p
«BethE» Hard to do. I will be a Lt. in a gang task force, being called as an expert witness in a jury trial. ^^
«Random_Nerd» Fake trial, real courtroom.
«lazarus» :)
«Knockwood» ah, one of your things RN
«Verithe» Oooh!
«BethE» Almost-real lawyers.
«Random_Nerd» It still seems weird that they let us use the actual courthouse for these things.
«BethE» I can't bring my character sheet, though.
«Random_Nerd» But... I guess not as weird as when they let us use the actual courthouse to do actual hearings.
«Verithe» But how will you know how much damage you can do, Beth?
«BethE» RN has my character sheet with the info I 'know'. And as long as I don't make up anything important, I'm okay.
«BethE» I've already done my deposition with the court recorder. (That day, I played both a restaurant owner and the Lt.)
«BethE» Sorry, reporter.
«BethE» But basically, my character looked at the medical report and the police reports and has given a statement on whether the accused is a gang member of a particular gang or not.
«BethE» (The Lt. was the more fun one than the owner. Although I did get some snark in with both.)
«Knockwood» (Anyone give a rat's naughty bits about that MLP Fanfic MST3K thing I'm a part of?)
«Random_Nerd» I'm not really into fanfic, sorry.
«BethE» I try not to think about rat naughty bits.
«Verithe» (I can't really get into MLP anything right now.)
«Random_Nerd» So, Angelo isn't here, but he said he might not be, since his daughter had a fever last night when he emailed me.
«Knockwood» again?
«BethE» The son had it last time, I think.
«Verithe» Illnesses come in waves.
«Random_Nerd» And no Etheric, but he wasn't really involved in the Amyra plot.
«Knockwood» Must be going around. Crap.
«Random_Nerd» So, should we proceed on?
«Knockwood» We could do OOC Amyra stuff, figure out our Destiny maps, plan our next move
«lazarus» I am still recovering with a lingering coldfluthing.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm.
«Verithe» Where were we, precisely?
«Knockwood» sounds like you need a Doctor. Seuss.
«Random_Nerd» Physically?
«BethE» Trying to convince Martyrs.
«Random_Nerd» You had John summon her, and you were trying to convince her to get on-board with the plan.
«Verithe» Ah, right
«Knockwood» Bit of a problem since she's LN and we're all Chaotic
«Knockwood» ... come to think of it, did anyone think up a strategy for convincing her?
«BethE» Uh, no. Because her version of it sounded reasonable and thus, we're doomed.
«Random_Nerd» "Reasonable plans! My one weakness"
«Verithe» I don't think we have to convince her so much as phrase what we want in a way that she believes her Imperator might help us.
«Verithe» Also, I don't think we're very clear.
«Knockwood» Side effect of not knowing what the hell we're doing.
«Knockwood» Also it affects our characters.
«Knockwood» :D
«BethE» I don't think we're clear either, but if we seem like something that will get her Imperator in trouble, she wouldn't go for it either. (Patterns might.)
«Knockwood» What do we know about her Imperator?
«Verithe» So long as it gets him in trouble for a Good Cause, I think we're okay. This is Martyrs, after all.
«Random_Nerd» Relatively little. Darklord, somewhat moderate and Light-friendly.
«Verithe» It just has to be really good.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm.
«Verithe» According to my assumptions, anyway.
«Random_Nerd» Who do you think you have a better shot at convincing? Martyrs, or her Imperator directly?
«Knockwood» Well, we know Martyrs.
«Verithe» I think we need Martyrs' support if we want her Imperator's support...unless he's unusually agreeable.
«BethE» But is that a point in favor or against?  :)
«Verithe» ((*he/she/ze))
«Knockwood» We could point out that if the Exs destroy everything there's nothing to martyr yourself for
«Verithe» I think that's a poor argument.
«BethE» Or offer that if she gets her Imperator to come and Martyrs gets killed there, she would be the best Martyr for the War. On the other hand, that doesn't mean she _wants_ to die.
«Random_Nerd» It may be a bad idea to assume that an Imperator's thoughts are mainly influenced by their estates, either.
«Random_Nerd» That's like... hmm. Like a dionyl wanting to persuade a human, and thinking "Well, he's made of meat, right? So, what would convince someome who's made of meat?"
«BethE» A1 sauce.
«Verithe» Perhaps we should clarify what we want before trying figure out who we want to pitch the idea to?
«Knockwood» We want her Imp to accompany us to the summit
|«-- lazarus has left (Client exited)
«Knockwood» hm.
--»| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
«Verithe» What is our purpose for the summit, exactly?
«Knockwood» to talk to Vassa
«lazarus» My connection apparently died
«Random_Nerd» (Clarity of purpose /is/ a useful thing.)
«Knockwood» they want to know what's going on with Entropy and Shirk
«Random_Nerd» But is that a means, or an end?
«Verithe» Why do we want to talk to Vassa? What about?
«Knockwood» We want to know what the War's all about
«Verithe» ...
«Knockwood» maybe even talk about a truce
«BethE» And talk about Shirk.
«lazarus» Shirk.
«Knockwood» and, being PCs, we default to "World-Changing? NO PROBLEM!"
«Verithe» What are we going to propose as methods for a truce? What are we going to discuss about Shirk?
«BethE» And so for the meeting, we bring at least one of every type of Imperator so it doesn't look shifty.
«Knockwood» We don't know, we're making it up as we go.
«Verithe» That might be why Martyrs is hesitant.
«BethE» The thing is, neither side is happy or wants Shirk. But he's here and it's freaking Vassa out.
«BethE» (Is HQ coming?)
«Knockwood» and if we figure out what Vassa's doing, maybe we'll get some insight into the War.
«Knockwood» er, Shirk, not Vassa
«Knockwood» actually both
«BethE» I wonder how much of the Noble world, on hearing about all of this would say, "Yeah, pull the other appendedge." ?
«Verithe» So, the primary reason for meeting Vassa is to discuss Shirk, why he concerns both sides and what he might be up to. In addition, we'd like to discuss possibilities for a truce and maybe learn some new details about the War?
«Random_Nerd» Okay, how about that truce thing.
«Random_Nerd» What kind of terms would you offer?
«Random_Nerd» And who would you be offering them on behalf of?
«BethE» Well, not War.
«lazarus» We really have nothing to offer. Creation is losing
«Verithe» Kite would like to discuss plans for a focus group on making Estates safely shareable.
«BethE» Well, we might not be completely losing. If the changing of the Age means an end to the war and the start of something else, we could at least run out the clock.
«Verithe» I should make that a new project, too...
«BethE» Darn. We can't ask Vassa about the End of Ages because Time isn't on their side..of the Wall.
«Random_Nerd» Which raises the question... would a change of ages affect them at all?
«BethE» Hmm, that's an interesting question. Have they always been at war with us, to their eyes?
«lazarus» V, that is a thing Brian is looking into too
«Knockwood» Better question: How do they prevent everything from happening at once? :)
«Random_Nerd» Better question still... /do/ they?
«Verithe» Maybe Kite will just try to help Brian, then.
«Knockwood» Well then they've already had the meeting. We should go just to find out what we said.
«BethE» Urg, thinking about everything happening at once makes my head hurt.
«Random_Nerd» Ah, but to find out what you said at the meeting, you need to go to the place where the people who know what you said are.
«Random_Nerd» Which happens to be at the meeting.
«Knockwood» so we need to prepare for the meeting
«BethE» And besides with our luck, going through the Wall erases stuff like that from your head.
«Verithe» I don't want to find that all we said was "LALALA CHOCOLATES AND FISHES!" because we didn't prepare.
«Verithe» Though that would be funny.
«Random_Nerd» Well, what you're planning on doing is less a matter of going through the wall, and more a matter of shoving a big breach open and then putting a Vulcan-made mini-world in it.
«BethE» Is it kind of like the talking benches at prisons where you're separated by a piece of glass and our reality is on our side and his is on his side and then there's a dance number... sorry, Johnny Depp moment.
«Random_Nerd» No touching!
«BethE» That's an Arrested Development moment. Totally different moment.
«BethE» But hey, that would be cool if Cneph came by to prevent touching. Then we could all jump him and get him to admit what the heck is going on.
«Knockwood» The alternative is bailing on the meeting, building a bunker, and hope our chunk of reality survives all hell breaking loose
«Random_Nerd» Which is more messed up... the idea of Cneph played by Jeffrey Tambor, or Jessica Walter?
«Verithe» We all move to a new World and live together in a hippie Kudzu-Vulcan commune.
«Knockwood» Christopher Lloyd
«BethE» V - I'd like to book a bunk in that commune.
«BethE» Cneph played by Archer. Not the guy who voices Archer, but Archer.
«Verithe» Patton Oswalt. :|
«Knockwood» Winner.
«Knockwood» So, should we do a little side-quest to find something we can bargain with once we deal with Martyrs?
«BethE» Could we ask Martyrs to give us some _other_ Darklord to pester?
«Verithe» That could be a good idea.
«Random_Nerd» But to get her to help you with that, you still need to persuade her that what you want is a good idea, don't you?
«Random_Nerd» Her objection isn't so much that it would be bad for her imperator, specifically, to be involved.
«Random_Nerd» But that she doesn't see why it's a good idea to do it at all.
«Knockwood» because as it is we have no communication between sides except for attacks
«Knockwood» which means no negotiation
«BethE» But does she believe in negotiating with them?
«Random_Nerd» So... you want to make the equivalent of the Red Phone between Washington DC and Moscow?
«Knockwood» we need to, otherwise the War will never end
«lazarus» With a kibbutz and plan session, I think I will take off to sleep :)
«Verithe» Take care, lazarus !
«Knockwood» g'night laz
|«-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
«BethE» So, we need a Darklord. Martyrs has one but thinks we're nuts or at least about to fall off our rockers. Ideas are to bribe her with something or get her to give us a different Darklord to pester because we're not selling her on pulling _her_ Imperator into it.
«Knockwood» We haven't had a chance to convince her, tho
«Knockwood» We just started
«Verithe» She's offering to help us refine our pitch.
«BethE» I thought we had laid it all out in not-complete-words+Aspect and she said how it looked to her.
«Verithe» We ended with her asking us to boil down exactly what we want.
«Random_Nerd» You haven't either convinced her or not convinced her.
«Random_Nerd» You gave her a short version, and she didn't think it really sounded like a good idea... but you didn't really make your argument yet.
«Random_Nerd» Just tell her what you want to persuade her /of/.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm...
«BethE» We want to persuade her to let us stick her Imperator in a massive Voltron-like-tea party with an Excrucian so that we can talk to said Excrucian about the War, Shirk and the end of the Age.
«Random_Nerd» Ways to think about it...
«Random_Nerd» If you get the meeting, and things go exactly the way you want, what would that be like? What would happen?
«BethE» Vassa would tell us what Shirk and the other Kings are and what they coming to Creation means and whether it's possible to truce or end the War without destroying both sides.
«Knockwood» Beth's got it
«BethE» (And then, I guess that Barakiel will arrive at the end and blow everything up.)
«Knockwood» and incidentally giving Brian what he needs to kill Entropy
«Random_Nerd» Well, what do you need to know about Shirk and the other Kings that you don't already know? I mean, currently you know that they're Excrucians, probably Strategists, who have specific methods that they use to corrupt people and things in Creation to weaken you in the War.
«Random_Nerd» What things do you need to know, in addition to that?
«Knockwood» What the hell is he doing with Entropy?
«Random_Nerd» Ah.
«Random_Nerd» So, not about the Kings in general, but about Shirk specifically and his motives?
«Random_Nerd» That is a thing that you have reason to know that Vassa /doesn't/ know.
«BethE» Which is why he sent his boys.
«Random_Nerd» You've been told that he sent the Shard Trio to Creation to discover that very fact. From you guys, who he assumed would know.
«Random_Nerd» After all, the plan isn't to meet with The Excrucians, so much as a splinter group composed almost entirely of Warmains.
«Verithe» I think we want to discuss both sides' observances of the Kings and hopefully come to a conclusion on how to proceed on the matter.
«Knockwood» ... so we need to solve the mystery of What is Entropy doing before we can proceed?
«BethE» The Shard Trio got more than they expected, although not about the Kings.
«Random_Nerd» Well, if you can, that would be helpful, because that means you know something that /they/ want to know.
«BethE» True, but I don't know if we have that kind of power/push. We cant' even get a group of Imperators together.
«Knockwood» Come to think of it...
«Knockwood» if Entropy was telling the truth about Shirk being an ambassador, wouldn't Vassa know?
«BethE» Although the most direct way would be to go to Entropy and ask what the truth of what is going on, really, is and then have our ears and eyes sent back to Amyra for preservation.
«Random_Nerd» Did Entropy say that Shirk /was/ an ambassador, or that he was to be treated as one?
«Verithe» Do you know the name of the USA ambassador to...anywhere?
«Knockwood» if he is, there is a reason to see Vassa: to learn what Shirk is doing for them
«BethE» Huntsman used to be the US Ambassador to China.
«Random_Nerd» Ah, here's part of the dialogue on this...
«Random_Nerd» «DanteE» "So... from your point of view he's not an ambassador?"
«Random_Nerd» [21:37] «Brian» *hands him a pen*
«Random_Nerd» �01[21:38] «Random_Nerd» Elias: "If he is, it's for a faction that we're not aligned with, I
«Random_Nerd» ...I suspect."
«Knockwood» Aha. If we can ask Vassa about the various factions over there and which ones would be willing to negotiate, that would help.
«BethE» Could be that the Kings are ambassadors for the Strategists. Yuck.
«Random_Nerd» Yeah. That, he /would/ know about.
«BethE» What other information could we get that he would want but that also would be okay to give?
«Knockwood» in return we can casually mention that we found a few shared Estates.
«Verithe» I would like to know about any factions that would be interested in an a peaceful and mutually beneficial end to the war
«Knockwood» (Of course, considering how those estates got shared, it's reasonable to assume they also have Courage, Numbers, Plants...)
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. Why so?
«Knockwood» because they were shared basically by the arrival of a Wildlord.
«BethE» Or stolen?
«Random_Nerd» (Oh, and I checked. Entropy did not say that Shirk was an ambassador, but that he was a "visiting head of state.")
«Random_Nerd» And that raises questions of its own. Like... who is he in charge of?
«Random_Nerd» (In the logs, it's Session 197)
«Verithe» Indeed!
«BethE» Which is less ambassador and more visiting royalty.
«BethE» Something else we would want to know is if (and how) Shirk can either be killed or sent back.
«Verithe» So...we want to find out what Shirk means to the other side.
«Random_Nerd» So, that's one question about Shirk. Who, exactly, is he king of?
«Knockwood» either way we need to turn our attention away from the meeting and more toward preparing for the meeting
«Random_Nerd» But the clearer idea you have of what you want, the easier it'll be to sell others on it.
«BethE» But by knowing why we want the meeting, we can convince others to come to it.
«BethE» Er, what he said.
«Knockwood» but that leaves open the question of how do we deal with Martyrs
«Verithe» We let her ask questions and we answer them.
«Verithe» After we tell her everything that we know we want to discuss and find out.
«Knockwood» "We have no idea what the hell you're doing, and we'd like you to be a part of it!"
«Knockwood» *we're
«Verithe» And we don't say that.
«Verithe» We /do/ have plans.
«BethE» (We also do not say "Come, frolic with us in the glorious treason!')
«Random_Nerd» Eh, I think "We have reason to believe that there's a splinter-group of Excrucians that's willing to talk with us, and that Entropy has aligned himself with an opposed faction for reasons that may not be good for Creation" has a certain persuasive force.
«Random_Nerd» Better than "Let's talk with the Enemy, to see what happens."
«Knockwood» Maybe you should lead for us, RN. :)
«BethE» (Ftisk is more of the 'let's poke this and see what happens' model, anyhow.)
«Random_Nerd» Heh,.
«Verithe» And that's the upgraded model!
«Random_Nerd» What's the Angelic for "Hey, y'all, watch this!"
«BethE» There is an Imperator of that. Somewhere.
«BethE» But I don't know what flavor of Imperator.
«Knockwood» What do you think those fanfares are before big announcements?
«Random_Nerd» don't think that's Kudzu?
«BethE» No, dear, his Nobles are just like that, it's not his Imperical Nature.
«BethE» But yes, we should incorporate the above from RN into our statement to Martyrs.
«BethE» And then we back it up with what we know on both points.
«Knockwood» OK, but how do we _sell_ it to Martyrs?
«Verithe» She's not trying to be difficult.
«Random_Nerd» She's willing to listen, at least.
«BethE» Which I am thankful for. Just wish we hadn't used her special come-for-John summoning finger.
«Verithe» Yeah...that's....yeah....
«BethE» (He could use some more friends.)
«BethE» Because while it's the End of the Age, it's not _that_ important. It was..a present of his. And we kinda wasted it.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. Did we ever establish what happened to his parents? It's obvious from his age and position that they didn't die natural deaths...
«Verithe» I don't recall hearing about his parents, but that would have been Before Kite.
«BethE» Nope, don't think so.
«Verithe» Kite might try to fix the bone.
«BethE» Just established that he's without an heir.
«Knockwood» doesn't he have a nephew or something?
«Random_Nerd» Yes.
«Random_Nerd» He has an heir, but it's not his own kid.
«BethE» Yes, that's what I meant, apologies.
«Verithe» But he's young enough that could be expected to change, yes?
«Random_Nerd» Yeah.
«Random_Nerd» He's in his early thirties, I believe we've established.
«Verithe» Okay
«BethE» Plus, he has Nobles that could help with that if needed.
«Random_Nerd» Although, the question of who he'd marry is a bit tricky.
«Random_Nerd» With Amyra enchanceled, there aren't any royalty that aren't close relatives available.
«Verithe» We could play matchmaker.
«BethE» Yeah, but I don't think Amyra would like Martyrs as Queen.
«Verithe» Maybe grab another noble stranded in another Chancel.
«BethE» Plus, I'm not sure how that would work.
«Random_Nerd» It's ambiguous whether she's sufficiently human and alive to have kids, also.
«Knockwood» then again... there may be another kingdom that got enChancele
«Knockwood» we could ask around, talk to them, maybe even get an ally
«Knockwood» There are a few legendary kingdoms, after all
«Random_Nerd» Go for Atlantis or something?
«BethE» As Beth, I would prefer that he hitch up with someone he enjoys talking to and stuff. Not just for the kid thing. But John takes his work seriously.
«Knockwood» or Mu
«BethE» (I guess he kind of has to, given what the Treasures do.)
«Verithe» Whatever has stranded or forgotten nobility.
«Random_Nerd» He's the sort of guy who would choose someone who'd be good for Amyra first, and good for him second.
«Random_Nerd» He got that stuff trained into him at an early age.
«Verithe» We could send invitations around via the Aides for a lower-case nobility mixer.
«Knockwood» We could backtrack a bit, say we though of this before going to John and therefore he hasn't summoned Martyrs...
«Verithe» I think we should leave Martyrs' summoning.
«Verithe» It provoked us to sharpen our intentions.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. Although, that does raise a question, if the thing with Martyrs /is/ romantic, /would/ she be good for Amyra?
«BethE» That, I don't know. She's Dark.
«Knockwood» V: yeah, but OOC. IC it just makes us look (more) like dumbasses.
«BethE» Plus, she's effectively a royalty of someone else's kingdom. She won't stop doing that.
«Verithe» That's in-character for us.
«Verithe» I also don't want to be seen as trying to get Martyrs to fall in love.
«Random_Nerd» Did I not make it clear that he was somewhat hesitant to use the summoning means, but that you guys were saying that you needed her "Highest priority without being three weeks ago."?
«BethE» You probably did, but we have a tendency to run roughshod over whatever's in our way.
«Random_Nerd» (Well, if you /do/, don't describe it as "trying to get her to fall in love.)
«BethE» (Oh heck no. She'd rip us to pieces and John would go and mope in his library.)
«Knockwood» Dante, being the one with a background in psychology, could probably come up with a novel length list of "Reasons Why a John/Martyrs Relationship is a Bad Idea"
«Knockwood» It would be a rather bizarre dissertation.
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«BethE» It'd never get published.
«Random_Nerd» Why don't you think it's a good idea to marry a skinless person who thinks that every human should kill themself?
«Verithe» Not every human, I don't think.
«Random_Nerd» Okay, true. /Nearly/ every human.
«Knockwood» Eh, call it a quirk
«Random_Nerd» But she's definitely not a Transformationist like Migrations.
«Verithe» But, still....Martyrs is not on Kite's list of people for King John to be married to.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. Who /is/? Any existing NPC?
«Knockwood» ... don't think so
«Verithe» If Kite were to make a list right now, I think Clarity would be on it. He doesn't really know King John that well and probably doesn't "get" royalty."
«Verithe» Not in the human sense.
«Knockwood» Besides, he should have an opportunity to hook up with a Princess of Mu, or Avalon
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«BethE» I don't think we've met any other girl we've met would work well for him.
«Random_Nerd» I wonder how they would get along?
«Random_Nerd» Although Sam would get mad at you for... huh. Well, /something/-blocking him.
«Verithe» Hehe
«Verithe» But I think seeking out candidates is something we can delegate to the Aides.
«BethE» You have a great way of putting things, dear.
«Verithe» That might cut down on marrying crystaline crayfish, anyway.
«BethE» Great, now I'm thinking dionyl and crayfish babies. Cutest bibs ever.
«Knockwood» So, have we decided what we're going to do when we play again?
«Random_Nerd» How to persuade Martyrs, you mean?
«Verithe» I think we've got a good start. Anything else would need her input.
«Knockwood» What do we do when we're facing a just-summoned Martyrs in the middle of the castle who we just told about our potential treason.
«BethE» Talk it out with her. Point out that Entropy isn't doing what's good for Creation.
«Random_Nerd» "No, no. The /Excrucians/ are selling out to /us/!"
«Verithe» And Entropy is selling us out.
«Knockwood» Surprising no one.
«Random_Nerd» "This is the only way to find out at least some of the various ways that Entropy has screwed us!"
«Knockwood» (Potential answer: "Shouldn't we just assume he's doing that and go from there to save time?"
«Random_Nerd» "But you've gotta be dying to know /how/!"
«Verithe» "We need proof and this might be it!"
«Knockwood» "Excuse the term"
«Knockwood» interesting possibility, tho... if we find proof Entropy is screwing Creation, then what?
«Verithe» Then, maybe people will be more pro-active...or move away.
«Knockwood» to where?
«Verithe» Outside?
«Knockwood» How?
«BethE» We go through the Wall? Become Shards of Kudzu or used-to-be-Kudzu?
«Verithe» Jump through the Wall and don't look back!
«Knockwood» and forget everything.
«Verithe» Yup!
«Verithe» It's like....Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind!
«BethE» Only with less Jim Carrey.
«Verithe» And more faceless Elijah Wood.
«Knockwood» Can we agree that saving Creation is a good idea, or is this the wrong crowd for that?
«BethE» I'll drink to that!
«Verithe» Kite keeps his shiny things in Creation. He wants to save it.
«Verithe» But he's willing to sacrifice Foxes.
«Random_Nerd» Outside has /better/ shiny things.
«Verithe» He hasn't seen them.
«Random_Nerd» Oh, and Etheric has succumbed to the Curse of James.
«Verithe» Officially?
«Knockwood» uhoh, what happened?
«Random_Nerd» Well, I got an email.
«BethE» *shakes fist* Jaaaaaaames!
«Random_Nerd» Basically, with the time of the game, combined with a side effect of some medication he's taking, he's just too tired to pay attention to it.
«Random_Nerd» I told him that there's no hard feelings, and if circumstances change, there'll be a spot open for him.
«Verithe» So Carrie's traveling, again?
«Random_Nerd» The horses are once more safe.
«Knockwood» Damn. And I'm the main reason for the time...
«Knockwood» Pacific time zone & office job.
«Verithe» Any earlier would be bad for Angelo.
( Note from Angelo: any earlier would be _better_ for me)
«Random_Nerd» Eh, finding a time that works for a group of players scattered across four countries on different sides of the planet... tricky.
«Verithe» If it helps, I'll be in an American time zone starting some time in August.
«BethE» And we're awesome enough to pull it off most of the time.
«Random_Nerd» Oh? Moving, or just a temporary thing?
«BethE» You're coming to visit?
«Knockwood» aw, you'll miss the fried octopus stands
«Verithe» Moving. We don't know where to, yet, but we're aiming for the contiguous United States.
«Verithe» GOSH YES!
«Random_Nerd» Well, if you happen to be going through the central Illinois region, give us an email, and we can meet up and have lunch or something.
«Verithe» Alright!
«Knockwood» And hey, if you're going through Reno...
«BethE» Or wave at your plane as you fly over...
«Verithe» Woo!
«Knockwood» ... I'm tempted to say "Something's gone horribly wrong with your life", but what the hey, I like the town
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, I feel the same way about Champaign-Urbana. The kids from Chicago act like this is the nether reaches of hell, but it's my favorite of all the places I've lived.
«Knockwood» Actually I have an uncle near there
«Random_Nerd» Oh?
«Random_Nerd» Where, specifically?
«Knockwood» suburb of Chicago... that of course I can't remember
«BethE» (Aaaand, RN just lost my happiness. He says that I am not one of the reasons he likes C-U. :P )
«Knockwood» starts with a 'P' I think
«Random_Nerd» Peoria?
«BethE» Peoria is not a suburb of Chicago.
«Random_Nerd» Oh, missed the "suburb of chicago"?
«Knockwood» No. And not Podunk. (That's in MA.)
«BethE» Plainsville
«BethE» But there's a lot of Chicago suburbs. Neat, about your uncle.  :)
«Random_Nerd» Anyway, it is late here, and things seem to be winding down.
«Random_Nerd» See you guys next week?
«Verithe» Yup! Take care!
«BethE» Night, guys! *HUG*
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Chapter 32