Episode 710: Sleeper of Athens
this edition(5)is much bteter than the old one.Sorry about that Ranjit.:) That's exactly how I felt when I saw that pronouncement on the screen. It made me feel a little sick to my stomach. Not to mention seeing the words that Andrew died of starvation! Oh, that was a bad game We shan't be making those mistakes again!I don't know anything about computer games so I'm not sure what sims is. But I can imagine your poor friend wiping out his entire family! OMG!Cait knows I write a blog and that sometimes I write about her, but she doesn't read it. I'm afraid it would go to her head and I've put too much energy into making sure she's a normal kid to let that happen. I do my best to make sure that whatever I write is nothing she'd find embarrassing or a trespass to her privacy. If I'm ever not sure of something, I run it by Andrew to see what he thinks. He's got final veto power. And since I write when she's not around, the whole blog thing is not really part of her consciousness.