Fading Halo:Assault Rifles

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The following entries are all taken more or less directly from the Mass Effect series. Some modifications have been made to descriptions where they reference elements of that setting that do not apply to mine. They do not represent the full-range of assault rifles available in the game but cover a range from common military hardware up to elite or specialist models. They are also either human-centric or more generic weapons. Individual races may have more specific armaments used mainly by them.

Weapons are generally referred to by a code and the name mentioned below. The code is not supplied as it depends on what mods and specifications that particular weapon is keyed to but they tend to take alphanumeric form (e.g. M-8, L-12, B-22).

Each weapon is marked as either Common, Uncommon or Rare, indicating the level of resource or effort required to obtain one. Each also has a 1-5 rating (with 5 being the highest) in five categories (weight, fire rate, clip size, damage and accuracy). Note that the higher a weapon's rating in weight, the heavier it is.


The high-powered Argus rifle is an excellent close-range weapon, and its bursts of fire conserve ammunition during lengthy conflicts. Others across the galaxy are adopting the Argus as their standard rifle, for both its intimidation factor and suppression power. [1]

Rarity: Common
Weight: 3
Capacity: 4
Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 2
Accuracy: 1


A common, versatile, military-grade assault rifle. Accurate when fired in burst shots, and deadly when fired on full auto. The Avenger is effective at penetrating shields, armor and biotic barriers. The modular design and inexpensive components of the Avenger make it a favorite of military groups and mercenaries alike. The Avenger has a reputation for being tough, reliable, easy to use, and easy to upgrade. [2]

Rarity: Common
Weight: 1
Capacity: 4
Fire Rate: 3
Damage: 1
Accuracy: 2


This Terran rifle launches 25mm mini-grenades. Lighter and more accurate than most grenade launchers, the Falcon burns through specialized ammunition as well as standard thermal clips. A field fabrication kit generates this ammunition, leaving the clips as the rifle's only limitation. [3]

Rarity: Rare
Weight: 4
Capacity: 2
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 3 (burst)
Accuracy: 1


Medium-range, semi-automatic rifle effective against armor, shields, and barriers. The Mattock is a semi-automatic hybrid weapon with an assault rifle's low heat production and a sniper rifle's punch. Though it does not have a sniper rifle's precision scope, marksmen favor its increased power over that of an assault rifle to bring down hardened targets. Its lack of a full-auto setting is advertised as a feature rather than a shortcoming since it curbs a soldier's tendency to spray inaccurate fire under stress. [4]

Rarity: Common
Weight: 2
Capacity: 2
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 2
Accuracy: 4


Unleashes a storm of deadly high velocity slugs. Less accurate than an assault rifle, but has a high ammo capacity and deals much more damage. Effective against armor, shields and biotic barriers. [5]

Rarity: Rare
Weight: 3
Capacity: 5
Fire Rate: 5
Damage: 2
Accuracy: 1


A heavy-duty semi-automatic rifle favored by only the most elite marksman, the M-99 Saber is jokingly referred to as "The Big Iron" for its sheer stopping power. Each M-99 Saber is designed specifically for its owner, making it one of the galaxy's more expensive weapons. [6]

Rarity: Rare
Weight: 3
Capacity: 2
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 3
Accuracy: 4


A variation of the popular Avenger design, the Valkyrie is now standard issue for new recruits. Exceptionally well-crafted, accurate, and packing ample firepower, the rifle is a hot black-market item when it surfaces.

Rarity: Uncommon
Weight: 4
Capacity: 3
Fire Rate: 3
Damage: 2
Accuracy: 3


A battle rifle favored by assassins and elite mercenaries that fires in highly accurate five-round bursts and can be pulsed for rapid fire. Deadly at range, very accurate, and effective against armor, shields and biotic barriers. [7]

Rarity: Uncommon
Weight: 2
Capacity: 3
Fire Rate: 3
Damage: 1
Accuracy: 3