Motley Crew Character Sheet
Character Sheet Format
Go into 'edit', and cut and paste the following format into your character page, and edit the values to suit your PC.
Character Details
- Name: Character Name goes here
- Gender: Character gender goes here
- Age:
- Bloodline: Characters bloodline goes here
- Career: This is where things like 'civilized fisherman'or 'Hunter' go.
- Social class:
- Wealth
- Status
- Background: (All from MRQII)
- Family Ties.
- Family Reputation.
- Family Connections.
- Background Events.
Write a brief history of your PC here.
- Str: Number: Brawn Roll x5.
- Con: Number: Health Roll x5.
- Siz: Number: Resist Roll x5.
- Int: Number: Idea Roll x5.
- Pow: Number: Luck Roll x5.
- Dex: Number: Agility Roll x5.
- Cha: Number: Appearance Roll x5.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice Use whatever system you rolled up in.
- Hit Points: Siz+Con Averaged
- Experience bonus: Int/2%
- Encumbrance limit: Str+Siz
- Magic Points: Equal to POW
- Fatigue Points: Str+Con
- Movement:
Skill Groups
Skill category modifiers are worked out this way. Every Primary (p) Atrribute adds 1% for every point over 10 or lowers it if below. Secondary attributes do this, but only at 1/2 effect (round down). Negative attributes work in reverse.
Here's the modifiers:
- Physical/Agility. Dex(p)Str,Con(s),Siz(n).
- Mental/Knowledge. Int (p) Pow(s).
- Manipulation. Int,Dex(p)Str(s).
- Perception. Int(p)Pow,Con(s).
- Communication. Cha(p), Int,Pow(s).
- Physical Agility: +/-n%
- Athletics (30%)
- Dance (Regional) (30%)
- Dodge/Evade (25%)
- Pilot(Boat)(20%)
- Ride(specify) (20%)
- Stealth(25%)
- Swimming(20%)
- Acrobatics: (25%)
- Mental Knowledge: +/-n%
- Evaluate (30%)
- First aid (20%)
- Knowledge/Lore(Specify)
- Regional Lore (Land Ends)(35%)
- Other Lores (Specify) 20%/0%
- Navigation(10%)
- Healing lore: (25/0%):-
- Literacy (Own Languages Script) (50/20% or 0)
- Literacy (Other Script) 20/0%
- Martial Arts (0%)
- Manipulation: +/-n%
- Craft (Specify)(30%)
- Craft (Another)(30%/10)%
- Sleight of hand (20%)
- Throw (25%)
- Art(Specify) (20%)
- Devices/Mechanisms (25%)
- Engineering (25%)
- Play (20%)
- Shiphandling: (20%)
- Craft (Specify)(30%)
- Perception: +/-n%
- Sense (25%)
- Insight (25)
- Navigate(20%)
- Research(20%)
- Tracking(20%)
- Communication: +/-n%
- Influence (20%)
- Sing (20%)
- Speak Language
- Native (Int x 5%)
- Other (00):
- Bargain/Commerce (20%)
- Command (20%)
- Disguise (20%)
- Courtesy/Etiquette (25%)
- Orate/Persuade (20%)
- Perform(Specify) (25%)
- Seduction (20%)
- Streetwise (30%)
- Teaching (20%)
Weapon Styles
- Attack [manipulation] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry [agility] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim [perception] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Strike Ranks: See the strike rank Table.
- Siz:(n)
- Dex:(n)
- Int:(n)
Weapon Style | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
Dagger | by type | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
unarmed | 1d3 | sr | arm | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 13-15 |
Chest | Armour Type | number | number | number | 12 |
Abdomen | Armour Type | number | number | number | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW:
- Current Available MP:
- Current Stored MP:
- Common Magic:
- List your Common Magic Spells here.
- Magic:
- List your Magic Spells here.
- Weapons:
- List your weapons and shields here
- Armour:
- List you armour and clothing here
- Other:
- List everything else here.