Creating base characters

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The Motley Crew

Base Rules: RunequestIII.[edit]

I've worked out a character generation system that can use BRP, RQIII or MRQIII, so once you have your attributes, start building.

Character creation:[edit]

Rolling up characters in BRP:

  • Skill category modifiers are listed next to each skill category on the Wiki Character sheet. These are added to every skill.
  • All skills are at the base on the character sheet on the wiki, not the BRP bases.
  • 150 personal skill points + Heroic Game (350pts) in one profession.

No skill higher than 90% + Category mod.


  • All skills are at the base on the character sheet on the wiki, not the RQIII bases.
  • Every profession adds 33% per year to skill totals. The various magic addons make another 2%.
  • To allow a RQIII character to compete, you take an initial 5 years in your rolled background and profession.
  • You then choose a new profession for ten years, or two five year blocks.
  • Anytime you have a skill that is now part of a greater set of skills (like sneak and hide), you choose the higher one only. The points for the other skill can be spent on anything appropriate to the profession in that skill category.


  • All skills are at the base on the character sheet on the wiki, not the MRQII bases.
  • Choose a Background , Make the native language other language(s), take any advanced skills at base +10%. (200 points).
  • Choose a profession. (50points) Any advanced skills start at base +10%

Add on free skill points (250)

  • No skill higher than 90+Category Mod.

Starting Weapon Styles.[edit]

Weapon knowledge comes in Styles in MRQII, which is a little bundle of skills associated with the weapon(s) you are using. I like. Lets use.

Rather than go into the endless discussions of what constitutes a style, I’m making an ad-hoc rule – Each style has a maximum of four components.

All Characters start with

  • Unarmed Cbt [Fist, kick, head butt, grapple]
  • Dagger [1h, off handed, Two weapon and thrown] weapon styles at 25%.

Characters add more weapon styles through the various systems.

  • - BRP. Allows the most flexibility – add any weapon styles as per profession.
  • - RQIII. Add a new Style each time a different weapon addition comes up in each profession, or add points to a similar Style already opened. Take the cultural weapons tables as a starting point for two weapon Styles.
  • -MRQII. Take weapon styles as they appear in chargen. Use the same rules as above for weapon styles.

Sample weapon styles

A primitive might take hunting spear (2hd, 1hd, Thrown and Spearthrower) and Hurling Weapons [ Bola, Net, Hunting stick, Sling] A nomad might take Mounted Archer [ Horsebow, Military, Horse Archery, Weapon and bow] and Weapon and shield [Sword, or Spear and shield, Two weapons, Military] A Barbarian might take Axe or Sword [2hd, 1h and shield, two weapon, hurled] and Heavy Archer [Longbow, Staff, Weapon and bow, Military] or slinger [Sling, staff sling, staff, Military] A civilized player might take Militia [polearm, 2hd spear, spear and shield, military] and Crossbowman [ Crossbow, 2h club, Ballista, Military]. Hoplite [1hd spear or sword and shield, hurled spear, military] or Knight [ Lance, 2hd spear, spear and shield, hurled spear]