Logan the seaborne
Character Details[edit]
- Name: Logan
- Gender: Male
- Age:
- Bloodline: Unknown - not Local.
- Career: Thinks he was a fisherman, currently a hunter.
- Social class:
- Wealth
- Status
- Background: (All from MRQII)
- Background Events.
Write a brief history of your PC here.
- Str: 14: Brawn Roll x5.
- Con: 16: Health Roll x5.
- Siz: 15: Resist Roll x5.
- Int: 18: Idea Roll x5.
- Pow: 8: Luck Roll x5.
- Dex: 16: Agility Roll x5.
- Cha: 16: Appearance Roll x5.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice Use whatever system you rolled up in.
- Hit Points: Siz+Con Averaged
- Experience bonus: Int/2%
- Encumbrance limit: Str+Siz
- Magic Points: Equal to POW
- Fatigue Points: Str+Con
- Movement:
Skill Groups[edit]
Skills. Skills listed in bold are common skills. Others are specialist skills and are assumed to be at 0% unless you've opened them (at the listed %).
- Physical Agility: +/-n%
- Athletics (30%)75%
- Dance (Regional) (30%)
- Dodge/Evade (25%)58%
- Pilot(Boat)(20%)60%
- Ride(specify) (20%)
- Stealth(25%)69%
- Swimming(20%)60%
- Acrobatics: (25%)
- Drive (specify) 25%
Mental Knowledge: +/-n%
- Culture (Cinnibar) (30%)
- Culture (Cinnibar)20%
- Evaluate (30%)
- First aid (20%)47%
- Knowledge/Lore(natural history) 54%
- Regional Lore (Land Ends)(35%)
- Other Lores (Specify) 20%
- Navigation(10%)64%
- Healing lore: (25%):-
- Literacy (Own Languages Script) (50/20% or 0)
- Literacy (Other Script) 20%
- Martial Arts (15%)
- Meditation (20%)
- Strategy (20%)
- Survival (20%)74%
Sense: +/-n%
- Perception (25%)65% (listen/spot)
- Insight (25)
- Navigate (20%)64%
- Research (20%)
- Tracking (20%)90%
Manipulation: +/-n%
- Craft (Cooking)(30%) 70%
- Craft (Fishing) (30%/10%)56%
- Sleight of hand(20%)
- Throw (25%)
- Art(Specify) (20%)
- Devices/Mechanisms (25%)
- Engineering (25%)
- Play (20%)
- Shiphandling: (20%)86%
Communication: +/-n%
- Influence (20%)
- Orate/Persuade (20%)
- Sing (20%)
- Speak Language
- Native (Int x 5%)63%
- Other (10)(Gott) 63%
- Bargain/Commerce (20%)
- Command (20%)
- Disguise (20%)
- Courtesy/Etiquette (25%)
- Perform(Specify) (25%)
- Seduction (20%)
- Streetwise (30%)
- Teaching (20%)
Skill category modifiers
...are worked out this way. Every Primary (p) Atrribute adds 1% for every point over 10 or lowers it if below. Secondary attributes do this, but only at 1/2 effect (round down). Negative attributes work in reverse.
Here's the modifiers:
- Physical/Agility. Dex(p)Str,Con(s),Siz(n).
- Mental/Knowledge. Int (p) Pow(s).
- Manipulation. Int,Dex(p)Str(s).
- Perception. Int(p)Pow,Con(s).
- Communication. Cha(p), Int,Pow(s).
Weapon Styles[edit]
- Attack [manipulation] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry [agility] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim [perception] Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Strike Ranks: See the strike rank Table.
- Siz:(n)
- Dex:(n)
- Int:(n)
Weapon Style | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
style | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
Dagger | by type | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
unarmed | 1d3 | sr | arm | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Hit Points and Armour[edit]
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 13-15 |
Chest | Armour Type | number | number | number | 12 |
Abdomen | Armour Type | number | number | number | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Talents/Gifts
- Talent (Crafting/Cook)
- Talent (Missile Weapon/Bow)
- Talent (Navigate)
- Gift (Dexterity)
- Gift (Appearance)
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW:
- Current Available MP:
- Current Stored MP:
- Common Magic:
- List your Common Magic Spells here.
- Magic:
- List your Magic Spells here.
- Weapons:
- List your weapons and shields here
- Armour:
- List you armour and clothing here
- Other:
- List everything else here.