Andy's Tokimeki Memorial

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May 1st, 2012

~Stats (Max 10): Academy 1, Athletic 1, Determination 1, Vitality 1~

I looked into the mirror, and I didn't like what I saw.

...Well, I looked into the mirror everyday, but this is the first time I noticed what a mess I've became.

Dim eyes with no trace of vitality, insomniac cause by reoccurring nightmare degraded my complexion, and my hair seemed to have got a mind of its own.

I need a bath. And tooth brush. And a hair cut. The thought of cutting my hair with a magical sword is funny, but I decided to leave my hair to the professionals.

I'm still a girl, and there's no way I'm gonna live with messy hair!

May 2nd, 2012

~Stats (Max 10): Academy 1, Athletic 1, Determination 1, Vitality 2~

I ask you, what is the proper attitude of someone working in a comic book store?

More specifically, what is the proper attitude of of someone working in a comic book store, when a girl who is clearly in distress came in for guidance?

...Alright, a bit of context. Since I got that sword, that costume and that determination, I figure I can seek some guidance about heroing.

It's just a gigantic mistake to seek said guidance in comic book.

So I walked into this comic book store, wearing one of my favorite dress, gave the creepy geek guy my best wining smile...and here's how the conversation went.

"Ummmm...I want to buy comic there something good?"

"Nope. Please go home."

"Wait a second! That's not the proper attitude of a clerk, is it?!"

"Whatever it is, I don't recommend people reading comics anyways..."

"Uh, well, I'm completely unfamiliar with comics, so if you can give me a bit of information."

"Hmmmm. Well, Spider-Man is red and Hulk is green, although this isn't always the case."

"That's really a little information! No, I want to know what come sells best and stuffs..."

"Peanuts, I think."

"You're such a bully!"