A Thousand Forms/Bridie

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Bridie O'Toole[edit]

Bridie O’Toole (Only the nuns at school and Jackson ever called her Bridget.) is an ex career criminal. The ex is in part due to Jackson, not that he ever tried to get her on the straight and narrow. He and Bridie met when Bridie was about 15, she’d had a regular patch were she’d steal from the late night theatre goers or the busy midday shopping crowd. He’d watched her work the crowd a couple of times before he’d approached her. He’d been interested in her skills not her and after a while he started talking to her about the area, finally working up to getting her to teach him a few of her skills.

They’d know each other a while when he asked Bridie to help him out. He’d needed someone to get information on a cult but he was the wrong sex to infiltrate it, so he offered Bridie money to go check it out for him. Bridie was happy to do so, it hadn’t been much of a cult. A bunch of bored housewives looking for a bit of excitement and the thrill of doing something that was frowned upon. It was probably only coincidence that some of the ‘spells’ they cast had actually been successful. Bridie got in and out without anyone being any the wiser.

The next time Jackson had asked her to go undercover she’d also done so. That one had been nastier, a lot of true believers being manipulated by a clever con man. He’d actually been collecting money and favours by offering magical help to the congregation. He’d offer to put a curse on someone and then arrange an ‘accident’ for the victim. When he’d discovered Bridie going through his study she’d remembered him calling for help and him aiming his wand at her. Jackson said he must have had some sort of drug hidden in it because Bridie saw a green mist and then remembered nothing else.

When she came to the study looked like a bomb had hit it. She was under an overturned sofa, fortunately she wasn’t hurt, but there was no sign of Master Hadesly. She checked out the study, finding the safe and cheerfully emptying it for her trouble. There was still no sign of any one else, whatever had happened it looked like somebody had caught up with Master Hadesly and he’d fled. Jackson took the papers pertaining to the cult but told her to keep the money. She’d used it to get herself a quiet place in the country and retire. She keeps in contact with Jackson and a few select friends but mostly she stays at home and reads a lot making up for the education she never had.

Investigator Name: Bridie O’Toole

Played by: Deamon

Occupation: Criminal

Sex: Female

Age: 25

Colleges: School of Hard Knocks NY Campus

Birthplace: Midwood Brooklyn NY

Str: 8

Con: 10

Siz: 12

Dex: 13

App: 13

Int: 13

Pow: 8

Edu: 17 (got the extra schooling roll)

Idea: 65

Luck: 40

Know: 85

Sanity Pts: 40

Magic Pts: 8

Hit Pts: 11

Bargain: 20%

Disguise: 60%

Dodge: 40%

Fast Talk: 60% X

Hide: 40%

Listen: 41%

Locksmith: 82%

English: 85%

Sneak: 80%

Spot Hidden: 60%

Blackjack: 60%

Fighting Knife: 50%

.38 Revolver 43% 1D10 00 2 6 10

12gauge pump 30% 4d6/2d6/1d6 00 1 5 10

Income $3500