Forum Archive:Tangency Open:Cliff Notes

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Part of the Tangency Forum Archive.

Index of the Cliff Notes

In the thread Classic Tangency: the Cliffs Notes, teucer proposes to "post synopses of and great quotes from meme-spawning threads". This idea proves successful, and quite a few such summaries are posted in the thread. At the time of this writing (8 June 2005) the thread was almost 700 posts, and finding the summaries has become a bit tedious. This page, then, is intended as an index of those particular posts.

(It's not really populated yet, though. I mean to get to that this weekend, if someone doesn't beat me to it. Sixten)

Individual Summaries

#1 Officer Shoves, Arrests Pregnant Woman Over Loud Call

#10 My hate of d02 know no limit

#59 Somebody *Desperately* Wants to Be Me... (or, The Skarka Clone Wars)