Lesser Deity
Symbol: A smiling stick figure holding a doll.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: All forms of childrens toys, but particularly dolls.
Worshipers: Little Children primarily, also adults who never grew up.
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN (Polaza does not accept NG clerics)
Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Charm
Quite probably the weakest of all gods, her clerics number only in the dozens and tend to have the attention span of a goldfish. Polaza herself has very little ambition and is content with her own lot in life, being a small child in the corner playing with a doll (cleric). However like any child, she can throw tantrums when she thinks she's being ignored, and many an adventurer who wouldn't blink at a charging dragon has been terrified as roomfuls of dolls come out to "play."
Polaza is a very universal god as nearly every species uses toys in it's infancy from orcs to humans to dragons. This gives her a wide outlook on life and her clerics tend to have less prejudice than anybody else. Polaza is also very focussed on her clerics, because there are so few of them she can devote an inordinate amount of attention on each in comparison with other deities, who are usually busy with something big and important and can't pay attention to the actions of each and every puny mortal under their command. Clerics of Polaza can look forward to and endless stream of (unasked for) miracles as the childlike goddess tries to help.