Netherworld Academy Character Hikaru

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Hikaru, Everyman Hero[edit]

"There really isn't a point where things just can't get weirder, is there?"


Bod 5

Chi 0 (For =10)

Mnd 7 (Wil 8)

Ref 7 (Agi 8)


Driving +4 (11)

Guns +6 (13)

Info/Video Game +8 (15)

Info/Antique Books +5 (13)

Info/Shonen Manga +8 (13)

Info/Rock Music +7 (14)

Martial Arts +5 (13)


Uncultured: Any skills, abilities, equipment or information chosen or gained must be approved by the GM and must be suitably low-brow for your character's social status and lifestyle.

Unique Schticks[edit]

Lucky: Fortune Dice spent do not reduce your Fortune Rating for the purposes of making Fortune Checks.

This'll Do: You get +1 AV for any creative attack you make with an improvised weapon, such as pool cues, barbells, frozen chicken dinners, beer bottles, shopping carts, etc. The same improvised weapon should not be carried around and/or used from scene to scene - it should be a weapon of opportunity rather than habit.



Wealth Level[edit]

working stiff

Melodramatic Hook[edit]

She needs to find a way back to her old school. After she found a way back to her old gender. After she survived all the craziness her new school has to offer.

Badass Parent[edit]

Proud son (daughter?) of a pair of antique book store owners.


Hikaru is an ordinary Japanese school boy who plays First Person Shooters and Mortal Kombat. On the fateful day of his school trip, a child almost fell out of the train due to a malfunctioned door. Hikaru rescued the kid in time but fell out of the train in his place, ended up passing through the school's Netherworld portal. When he wakes he realized he's now a girl, but that was the least of her problems - by the time the staff figured out what happened a few hours later, she'd already learned too much and making going back to his old school problematic at best.