Pretty Perfect Monsters:Lucy Jadis Milton
- Hunter d8
- Stalker d10
- Destroyer d6
- Devil in a (blue) dress
- Sympathy for the devil
- The devil makes three
Power Sets[edit]
First, Fairest, and Fallen[edit]
- That Which God Makes No Man Can Unmake d12 (Durability)
- All the World Laid Bare d12 (Senses)
- I Saw It All Being Made d10 (Cosmic Mastery)
- There's Always a Back Door d10 (Sorcery)
- Born Up By Broken Wings d10 (Flight)
- God's Away on Business: Add a die from the doom pool to an action to create a condition or asset. Step up the doom pool die by +1; return it to the doom pool when you're done.
- The Devil Takes Care of Her Own: Add There's Always a Back Door to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Step up your effect die by +1 when targeting a condition.
- Every Trick in the Book: Split All the World Laid Bare into 2d10 or 3d8.
- Divine Disfavour: Both 1 and 2 on your dice count as opportunities when using a First, Fairest, and Fallen power.
- An Angel's Face is Tricky to Wear Constantly: Shutdown First, Fairest, and Fallen to activate The Heart's Filthy Lessons. Shutdown The Heart's Filthy Lessons to recover First, Fairest, and Fallen.
The Heart's Filthy Lessons[edit]
- Devastating Revelation d12 (Emotional Attack)
- Hearts Unfold Like Flowers d12 (Telepathy)
- False Paradise d10 (Mind Control)
- Always With You d10 (Invisibility)
- Phantom Presence d10 (Intangibility)
- Dark Rivers of the Heart: Use two or more Heart's Filthy Lessons powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.
- Playing for the Highest Stakes: Step up or double any Heart's Filthy Lessons power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.
- The Truth Hurts: Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and stpback the highest die in the pool by -1. Step up emotional stress inflicted by +1.
- Hell is Always Open, Even on Christmas: Change any Heart's Filthy Lessons power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.
- Cosmic Master d10
- Mystic Master d10
- Theology Master d10
- Menace Master d10
- Psych Master d10
The Devil Went Down to Georgia[edit]
- 1 XP: When you pick out a new soul to steal
- 3 XP: When you convince one picked out to do as they wilt instead of what they ought
- 10 XP: When you give someone back their soul (fully heal them of emotional trauma you've caused) or condemn them to a godless eternity
Devil Without a Cause[edit]
- 1 XP: When you refuse an ambitious project
- 3 XP: When you focus on the small things while the status quo goes unopposed
- 10 XP: When you wreck someone else's rebellion against God or fully reignite hostilities between yourself and heaven