HIMS Xanadu

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Welcome to Trafalgar Auctioneers, the galaxy's specialist in pre-owned starships! Thank you for your inquiry regarding glitchglitchglitch the HIMS Xanadu.

Once belonging to the Peregrinus Dynasty of Rogue Traders, the Xanadu was one of their newest ships, acquired scarcely a generation before their disgrace. Unlike the rest of their fleet, that largely consisted of ships of the line or deep-space survey vessels, the X-X-Xanadu, as its name suggests, was commissioned, refurbished, and outfitted for the purpose of serving as a pleasure-craft. In its heyday, House Peregrine consisted of many scores of scions, all plying the interstellar trade-lanes in service to their dynasty, all of them competing to one day inherit the family's Warrant. The Xanadu was intended to serve as a neutral meeting ground for all members of the family, a sort of ancestral home. Its vaulted halls, the wasted space itself an ostentation, are lined with murals depicting the family's rise to power.

Please study at your leisure this hologram of the ship's trophy-vaults. Containing the plunder of a hundred worlds, this was intended by the Peregrines to serve not only as a treasure-house but also to act as a sort of genetic memory, that all scions of the house could be brought here to learn of their family's accomplishments. Just one example of the fine objets d'art it houses is this portrait of Lord-Captain Hieronymous "Bentbeak" Peregrinus, a stellar example of Lapidan painting of the Uxtromus school. The way the painter combines hues to create the visual effect of a plasma field playing on the edge of the captain's power-sword is a closely guarded secret of the Uxtromus family.

When the Peregrines fell from grace (see: archive article - The Lark Descends: The Fall of the House of Peregrine), their fleets were scoured by those of their foes. The Xanadu escaped destruction because of its value and its low apparent strategic importance: Its armaments, while adequate for deterring pirates, are hardly equal to a task force's firepower. It was also spared due to an intriguing design feature: it is equipped with shield-capacitors capable of instantly restoring to full-strength a depleted void-shield!

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Ship Components

Class: Tempest

Planetbound for Millenia: 3 SP

Essential Components

  • Modified Jovian Class 2 Plasma Drive
  • Miloslav G616.b Warp Engine
  • Warpsbane Hull (Poor quality, +1 Energy Required, +1 Sp)
  • Void Shield
  • Combat bridge
  • Voidsmen Quarters
  • M1R life sustainer
  • M100 Auger Array

Supplemental Components

  • Auto-Temple
  • Barracks (Poor quality, +1 Energy & Space required, +1 SP)
  • Cargo hold & Lighter Bay (+1 SP)
  • Empyrean Mantle (Poor Quality, +1 Energy Required, +1 SP)
  • Trophy Room (+1 SP)


Keel: Sunsear Laser Battery ( +1 SP)

Dorsal: Sunsear Laser Battery ( +1 SP)


  • Best-quality Overload Shield Capacitors (+1 Shield, once every 24 hours, can put back online overload shields immediately at full force)
  • Vaulted Ceilings (included already in space)


Speed: 9

Manoeuvrability: +15

Armor: 19

Detection: +10 (may perform any Detection action without any penalty in Silent Run)

Turrets: 1

Shields: 2

Space: 41/42

Power: 45/45

Crew: 100/100, Competent

Moral: 100 + 2+5 = 107

Trade: 50+50 = 100

Military: 100

Crime: 50+50+50= 150

Exploration: 50 = 50

Creed: 150 = 150