In the Halls of Undermountain: Tulio

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Tulio is a player character in In The Halls of Undermountain, played by full frontale

Character Summary[edit]

<pic would go here>

Name: Tulio
Quote: "It was just a misunderstanding that got kind of... pointy."
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rogue
Character Tags: daredevil, gambler, not as bad as he looks

Description: Tulio stands just under 6' tall, with a wiry build like a circus acrobat. The scruff on his chin, unkempt brown hair, and clothes that have taken a beating all hint at a life spent away from the comforts of civilized living; his scars and his cold, gray-blue eyes speak of years of such a life. He moves with confidence but not grace, prefering economy over show. The same is true of his speech. He has a habit of twirling small objects about his fingers - silver coins, shurikens and the like. Half of the time he doesn't realize he's doing it.

Personality: Tulio didn't get his scars by being careful. Thing is, when you're skirting the edges of civilization you either lay low and disappear into obscurity, or you bet your life every day. For Tulio, it's not a hard choice. He's a risk taker, and sometimes that gets you cut up a bit. He's not a bad guy. True, he's broken laws and he's fought - and killed - before, but always with good reason. Not that he thinks of himself as a good guy, either. He just knows his lot and is comfortable with it. At least, he was. Now he's not sure.

Bio: Tulio doesn't remember much about his childhood in the Dalelands, and his earliest memories are of being on the road with other similarly rough youths. He fell into the life of an outlaw, not because he desires what isn't his or feels the need to scoff at the law, but for the freedom of the open trail, the lawlessness of the woods and hills, and the camaraderie shared between scions of the underclass. His lawbreaking was more of the incidental trespassing and failure to pay tolls type, although when times are particularly tough he would take on the odd under-the-table job - usually smuggling or re-appropriation of goods - although even then there were jobs he wouldn't take.

Being an outlaw with morals tends to jab at outlaws without them, and Tulio's had many a run-in with types less savory than he. He's made a small bit of a name for himself, but never really rising above the level of a local tale told in the friendly company of a village inn. He's been present when some of them were told, although the speakers didn't know it. Once, he was particularly surprised to hear that an encounter had gone poorly for him - very poorly, in fact, as a nearby forest gang had apparently killed him. Investigation revealed that the gang had indeed recently offed someone identical in appearance to Tulio, apparently believing it to be him. Taking it somewhat personally, Tulio tracked and dispatched the gang in short order.

More disturbingly, he recently came across a very dead, identical copy of himself while exploring a cave rumored to be a smuggler's den. He hasn't been quite himself since. He's looking for answers and the trail has led him to Undermountain, where a mad wizard was once rumored to perform all kinds of experiments, some involving cloning.

Grudge: Tulio wants answers, and they'd better be the kind he can understand. Also, he's heard stories of the sheer size of Undermountain - if they're true, it could be a great place to carve out a base of operations in Waterdeep...

Character Sheet[edit]

Tulio, level 1
Medium Natural Striker (Martial)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Class: Rogue (Scoundrel)

  • Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel
    • +Str Mod (+2) to Sneak Attack damage
  • First Strike: Gains combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted in an encounter.
  • Rogue Weapon Talent: +1 to weapon attack rolls with daggers, shuriken die size increased by one step
  • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, deal 2d8 (+2 from Brutal Scoundrel) extra damage with an attack made with a rogue weapon if the target grants Combat Advantage

Race: Half-Elf

  • +2 Con, +2 Cha
  • Speed: 6
  • Low-light vision
  • Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
  • Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
  • Dual Heritage: Counts as human, elf, and half-elf for the purposes of prerequisites.
  • Group Diplomacy: +1 racial to Diplomacy for allies within 10 squares.
  • Half-Elf Power Selection: Dilettante: Gain another class's at-will power as an Encounter power.
    • Twin Strike: Ranger Encounter Attack (Martial, Weapon). Standard Action: Melee or Ranged weapon, one or two creatures. Two Attacks: +7 vs. AC (melee, must be wielding two weapons), +9 vs. AC ranged. Hit: 1d4 damage per hit.

Background: Dalelands

  • Benefit: Reroll any Nature check, keeping second result, +1 to Initiative.

Theme: Outlaw

  • Level 1 feature: Surprise Strike, Encounter Attack (Martial). No Action: When Tulio hits a target with a basic attack or at-will weapon attack power against a target granting Combat Advantage to him, he can use this power to daze it until the end of his next turn.

Ability Scores:
Str 14, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13

Maximum Hit Points: 24, bloodied value 12, surge value 6. Surges/day: 7
AC 16, Fort 13, Ref 17, Will 12, Init +5

Trained Skills:
Athletics +7, Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Stealth +9, Thievery +9

Untrained Skills:
Arcana -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +1, Heal +0, History -1, Insight +2, Nature +0, Religion -1, Streetwise +1

Basic calculations: Dex attack, weapon: +4 (Dex) + 3 (proficiency) + 1 (rogue weapon talent) + 1 (Expertise) = +9 attack. Damage bonus, Dex: +4 (Dex) (+1 if Tulio has CA against target)
Melee Basic Attack: +7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d4+2 damage.


  • Acrobatic Strike (Martial, Weapon)
    • Standard, melee weapon, one creature, must be wielding a light blade. +9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d4+4 damage, and if Tulio is grabbed he escapes. Effect: Tulio can shift 1 square before or after this attack.
  • Piercing Strike (Martial, Weapon)
    • Attack: Standard, melee weapon, one creature, must be wielding a light blade. +9 vs. Ref. Hit: 1d4+4 damage.


  • Dazing Strike (Martial, Weapon)
    • Attack: Standard, melee weapon, one creature, must be wielding a light blade. +9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d4+4 damageand the target is dazed until the end of Tulio's next turn.


  • Press the Advantage (Martial, Weapon)
    • Free Action, melee weapon, an enemy Tulio just bloodied with a melee attack, must be wielding a light blade. +9 vs. AC. Hit: 2d4+4 damage. Miss: half damage.


  • Level 1: Backstabber: Sneak Attack does d8s
  • (Bonus) Light Blade Expertise: +1 feat bonus to attacks with light blades, and +1 damage against targets granting combat advantage.
  • (Bonus) Improved Defenses: +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

Equipment: Dagger x4, Shuriken x5, Leather Armor, Adventurer's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Sanfin Totte's scandal sheet

Cash: 29 gp, 9sp

Character Songs[edit]

General Themes: