Motivational Posters:Index20K
earlier, I am no supporter or deeendfr of the ECM, but I am a supporter of charity and truthfulness in conversation. I felt that the first set of posters, while they are accurate to one particular group of the ECM, were unfair and unhelpful. Consider the hyperbole that Westboro Baptist Church became the storefront representatives of conservative evangelical Christianity, and nonbelievers made posters about Christians that were directed mainly towards the God hates fags group. You know and I know that would be totally unfair. On a more realistic level, consider some of the people like Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, and Rick Warren becoming the new faces of modern evangelicalism. Now, were the secular world to make caricatures and posters of them, they would probably be accurate. Of them. But not us. And we would want to provide an alternative point-of-view as a result. Consequently, walls and objections are built up as we seek to evangelize and reach the lost because we have to explain to them what Christianity is NOT as much as what it actually IS. This, in my opinion, is the same types of walls and objections that come when truth is obscured.