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Character One
Name: Jyss Profession: Elven butler Strength: 10(0) Agility: 10 (0) Stamina: 13 (1) Personality: 11 (0) Intelligence: 16 (2) Luck: 7 (-1) HP: 2 AC: Star Sign: Guardian Angel (-1 escape traps) Fortitude Save: 1 Reflex Save: 0 Willpower Save: 0 Equipment:Candlestick as club, lantern Brief Background/Description: Lost in the kingdom of Bron after some shameful acts, he's been living here for many years. Forced to live within humans, he's treated barely better than a slave, and bound to serve a wealthy master. Anyhow, it fits his quiet temper and his interest for human customs and schemes.
Character Two
Name: Sigmund Profession: ropemaker Strength: 11 (0) Agility: 15(1) Stamina: 8 (-1) Personality: 11 (0) Intelligence: 5 (-2) Luck: 4 (-2) HP: 1 AC: Star Sign: Raging Storm (-2 to spell damage rolls) Fortitude Save: -1 Reflex Save: 1 Willpower Save: 0 Equipment: Knife, 100' rope, thieve's tools, 12 cp Brief Background/Description:
Sigmund is not very smart, but does his job well and is quite a nice guy, everyone in the village likes him. Totally unaware of what's happening around, he's living a happy life.
Character Three
Name: Profession: Strength: Agility: Stamina: Personality: Intelligence: Luck: HP: AC: Star Sign: Fortitude Save: Reflex Save: Willpower Save: Equipment: Brief Background/Description: