Infernally Yours/CharGenHouse

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Character Creation
Infernal Exalted
Attributes: 8/6/4
Abilities: 28 dots - Players may raise any of their character’s Abilities to five without spending bonus points.
Specialties: 4
Virtues: 5 - Virtue dots may be purchased for 1 bonus point each. However, Willpower is calculated independently of Virtues.
Willpower: 5 - Increased at a cost of 1 bonus point per dot.
Essence: 4
Backgrounds: 15
Charms: 10 - Any ten, no Favored or Caste requirements. Charms cost 4 bonus points, or 3 if they come from a Caste or Favored Ability.
Free Charms: 2 First (Yozi) Excellencies. 1 (Yozi) Excellency or (Yozi) General Charm. 1 Perfect Defense Charm, ignore charm prerequisites when choosing.
Sorcery: Each Circle attained gives 2 spells.
Bonus Points: 60

Other Information
XP Gain will be 8 XP every Saturday.
Permanent Essence will be gained by GM fiat. Do not spend XP or BP on Essence.
You begin with more background dots than standard. This is meant to represent some previous activity in Creation.
The Return of the Scarlet Empress may or may not happen. It is entirely dependent on the PCs.