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A character from Sands_of_Their_Demise

  • Seeker of Axioms Amaranthine
  • Caste: Fiend
  • Concept: Devil's advocate
  • A tall, slender woman with snow-white hair pulled back into a severe bun, Seeker tends to dress in the grey robes of a scholar. Usually, however, she is busy masquerading as a Dynast, and often impersonates Realm magistrates.
  • Anima: Her hair turns into liquid darkness and flows down her back, puddling on the floor; the darkness isn't complete, but is full of glimmering points of light that might be eyes.


  • Subordinate the inferior Four Virtues to a more rigorous and objective standard of goodness









As a Fiend, she can bind oaths, penalising oath breakers with 4 botches, as well as protect others from the consequences of oath-breaking by committing 5m. She has diplomatic privileges when treating with demons and Yozi-spawn. She can learn non-Infernal, non-Native Charms for 16xp.



Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2


Charisma 1
Manipulation 3 +2
Appearance 5


Intelligence 4
Perception 3
Wits 4

Abilities and Charms[edit]


Bureaucracy 2
Linguistics 3 (native: High Realm; Old Realm, Low Realm, Firetongue)
Ride 3


Awareness 3
Investigation 5 (+2 Socratic questioning)
Lore 2 (+3 theology)
Occult 5 +2 (+3 Mind-Hand Manipulation)
Performance 1 (+2 public denunciations)


Integrity 5 (+3 vs Essence manipulation)


She Who Lives in Her Name[edit]

First Pyrian Excellency (gratis)
Effortless Pyrian Dominance (gratis)
Factual Determination Analysis (gratis)
Analytical Modelling Intuition
Essence Dissecting Stare
Counter-Conceptual Interposition
Mind-Hand Manipulation
Principle-Invoking Onslaught
Force-Suppression Barrier
Cosmic Transcendence of Conviction


Sorcerous Initiation of She Who Lives in Her Name x2
Emerald Circle
- Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares
- Slave-Spawn Summons
Sapphire Circle
- Sapphire Countermagic
- Fiend-Vassal Conscription
Chirality Prohibition Index
Follow the Leader
Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy x3
Wholeness Rightly Assumed x2

The Ebon Dragon[edit]

First Ebon Dragon Excellency (gratis)
Loom-Snarling Deception (gratis)
Eldritch Secrets Mastery (gratis) 
Witness to Darkness (gratis)
Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack (gratis)
Hollowing Echo Venom (gratis)
Nemesis Self Imagined Anew (gratis)
Soul Crack Exploitation (gratis)
Golden Years Tarnished Black (gratis) x2
Weak Minds Believe Anything (gratis)
Unreasoning Prejudice Infliction 
Glories That Never Were


Transcendent Desert Creature


Backing 1: demons descended from She Who Lives in Her Name[edit]

Although her Caste rightly belongs to the Ebon Dragon, she was summoned out of darkness by the crystalline harmony of She Who Lives in Her Name ringing in her very soul.

Cult 5: Unswerving Arbiter of Fell Justice[edit]

+6m/hr, 1WP/6 hrs respiration.
While in Hell her celebrity tends to pale compared to that of her peers, in Creation she is a mighty force indeed. Stories abound about a powerful being that appears whenever justice has been miscarried, whether due to clemency or cruelty, that dispenses true justice with extreme prejudice. She leaves the broken and the converted in her wake, each one forevermore a missionary spreading a gospel repudiating Virtue and extolling instead absolute, utter, uncompromising goodness... whatever that means. Many rural communities all over Creation pray to her for relief, and many powerful rulers pray to avert her attention.

Ally 3: Julan Gares[edit]

When her Lunar mate Exalted, he was immediately seized by an oppressive sense of need. Not knowing what he was looking for, Julan was drawn inexorably to her and fell into the hands of the Yozis. She oversaw his enlightenment herself, spending weeks flaying from him every last vestige of hypocrisy and weakness, leaving him a pure instrument, tempered in the fires of justice. He serves her as mount, spy, bodyguard, and lover when she requires it, his Urge rewritten by Munaxes to reflect the true hierarchy among the Exalted: he is forever bound to obey whoever holds the shard of Amara's Exaltation.

Artifact 3: demon-ink tattoo[edit]

Manipulation +2, Occult +2, Lore: Theology +1, Lore: History +2 That of a roaring demon-lion, its colours blazing across her back.

Sapience 2: teodozjia[edit]

Charms: Bane Weapon, Meat of Broken Flesh, Principle of Motion
The tattoo is sentient, retaining some of its knowledge and wisdom and power from its earlier life. It grants Amara the power to draw strength from those she tempers, to inflict additional harm against symbols of the hated, hypocritical gods, and to divide her attention among many tasks.

Manse 3: Stone of Conviction[edit]

Raised for her by mortal cultists, the manse produces a hearthstone that strengthens her already formidable resolve.



  • Essence: 4
  • Personal: 22/22
  • Peripheral: 47/47
  • Overdrive: 0/10
  • Committed to Charms:
  • Committed to artifacts:
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status: Quiescent


  • Compassion: 1
  • Conviction: 5
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 2



  • Join Battle:
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak (L/B/A):
  • Hardness:


  • Move:
  • Dash:
  • Jump:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels[edit]

  • -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)

Equipment and aids[edit]



-5 WP
-51 Charms
-2 Performance
-2 specialties



Cut Material[edit]