To Catch the Setting Sun
This is the wiki page for the play-by-post Exalted game, To Catch the Setting Sun.
- Year: RY 769
- Month:
Out Of Character Threads[edit]
In Character Threads[edit]
- [To Catch the Setting Sun The Original]
Campaign House Rules[edit]
Slayer Caste[edit]
Kyrioch, Dark Lady of Metal and Conquest -- Silent Wayfarer
Malefactor Caste[edit]
Tepet Veii, Sainted Maiden of Other People's Fortunes -- OldKentuckyShark
Defiler Caste[edit]
Unity of Flames, Erudite SysAdmin -- Kacie
Scourge Caste[edit]
Alda Fallen Priestess, Slayer of Gods -- Faustus21