- Sex
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- Hair
- Eyes
- Skin
- History and Personality
- Description
- Class Normal Man
- Level
- XP required for next level
- Alignment
- STR avg.
- INT avg.
- WIS avg.
- DEX avg.
- CON avg.
- CHR avg.
Combat Stats
- AC 10
- HP 3
- Move
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Staff, or Spell
Race and Class Abilities
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Armor leather armor
- Weapons club
- Gear
- 6 torches
- bullseye lanter
- 3 flasks of oil
- tinderbox
- small hammer
- 12 iron spikes
- Coins GP10 EP SP CP
- Treasure