Personal Data
Name: Jacen Age: 21 (born in 465) Son Number: 1 Homeland: Salisbury Culture: Breton Religion: British Christian Father: Sir Gareth Father's Class: Vassal Knight Lord: Roderick, Earl of Salisbury Current Class: Squire Current Home: Woodford (1d20 = 19)
Personality Traits
Chaste 13 / 7 Lustful Energetic 13 / 7 Lazy Forgiving 10 / 10 Vengeful Generous 13 / 7 Selfish Honest 10 / 10 Deceitful Just 10 / 10 Arbitrary Merciful 10 / 10 Cruel Modest 13 / 7 Proud Pious 10 / 10 Worldly Prudent 5 / 15 Reckless Temperate 13 / 7 Indulgent Trusting 10 / 10 Suspicious Valorous 16 / 4 Cowardly
Directed Traits
Suspicious of Silchester +3 (1d6 = 3)
Loyalty: 15 (Earl Roderick) Love: 15 (Family) Hospitality: 15 Honor: 15 Concern: 7 (My Peasants) Hate: ? (Saxons)