Champions of the Realm Leona Device

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Leona "Leo" Device[edit]

"That's a terrible idea. Let's do it!"


Solo d6

Buddy d8

Team d10


Beautiful Mind (And Face)

Rich And Popular Device

The Woman From Future

Power Sets:[edit]

Supreme Intellect: Psychic Resistance d10, Superhuman Senses d10, Superhuman Reflex d10

SFX: Expected Outcome. Spend 1 PP to add Superhuman Senses (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice in a dice pool.

SFX: Instant Invention. When using Tech, Science or Medical Master to create assets or complications, step up the effect die.

SFX: Inspired Solution. Spend 1 PP to borrow the highest die in the doom pool as an asset for your next action, then step back and return the doom die.

SFX: Self-Made Genius. Spend 1PP to step up a Tech, Science or Medical Master stunt or resource and recover mental or emotional stress.

Limit: Haywire Change any Supreme Intellect power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

Clockwork Armor: Weapons d10, Superhuman Strength d10, Superhuman Durability d10, Subsonic Flight d8, Steam Control d8

SFX: Steam Explosions. Against multiple targets, for every additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die. For each complication you create using your effect dice, step up that effect die and add d6 to the doom pool.

SFX: Clockwork Overclock. Step up or double Weapons or Flight on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both, then shutdown that power. Activate an opportunity to recover or during a Transition Scene.

Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Clockwork Armor power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.


Tech Master

Science Master

Medical Master

Business Expert

Vehicle Expert


Feverishly Inventive

Mastering The White Stair


Every bit a self-made woman, Leona "Leo" Davinci started out from a humble beginning to become one of the most brilliant mind and famous inventor in whole of Averlon. Born to a pair of ordinary farmers, Leo discovered her interest in science and mechanics at a very young age. Instead of staying home and helping her parents with the farm, she went on and became the apprentice of a black smith. She was a very quick learner who constantly surprised her mentor with her quick progression and novel ideas. Soon, she began to design and build incredible machines that no one had ever dreamed about, with nothing more then metal gears and steam power. Her very first commercial product was an agricultural machine with a stationary steam engine, to help her parents and make up for all the time she spent on learning how to mold steel. It was a huge success, attracting many nobles to sponsor her studio, allowing her to create even more amazing gadgets with a much larger fund. Eventually she was recruited by the Empire into the army to design weapons of all shapes and sizes, which added a heroic aspect to her already growing reputation as "the woman from future", and her name Device had since became a synonym to any wonderful gadgets and stunning inventions.


An unfair combination of physical attractiveness and scientific genius, Leo is a polymath who possesses expert knowledge in various academic fields including technology, engineering, biology and mathematics. She is incredibly perceptive if not particular attentive, and her mind simply runs at many times the normal speed of everyone else. One of her proudest invention is the Clockwork Armor that she wears almost all the time, which is made with durable materials and powered by steam, with various weaponry hidden in secret compartments and a thruster on the back that allows the wearer to take off into the sky.