[File:http://i1003.photobucket.com/albums/af152/toekneepix/jacen.jpg%7Cright] [File:http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l93/storychronicler/coatofarms.jpg%7Cright]
Personal Data
Name: Jacen the White Wolf of Woodford Glory 179
- Age: 21 (born in 465) Son Number: 1
- Homeland: Salisbury Culture: Breton Religion: British Christian
- Father: Sir Gareth Father's Class: Vassal Knight
- Lord: Roderick, Earl of Salisbury
- Current Class: Squire
- Current Home: Woodford (1d20 = 19)
Personality Traits
- Chaste 13 / 7 Lustful
- Energetic 13 / 7 Lazy
- Forgiving 10 / 10 Vengeful
- Generous 13 / 7 Selfish
- Honest 10 / 10 Deceitful
- Just 10 / 10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10 / 10 Cruel
- Modest 13 / 7 Proud
- Pious 10 / 10 Worldly
- Prudent 5 / 15 Reckless
- Temperate 13 / 7 Indulgent
- Trusting 10 / 10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16 / 4 Cowardly
Chivalry Bonus: 75, No Religious Bonus: No
Directed Traits
Suspicious of Silchester +3 (1d6 = 3)
- Loyalty: 15 (Earl Roderick)
- Love: 15 (Family)
- Hospitality: 15
- Honor: 15
- Concern: 7 (My Peasants)
- Hate: 14 (Saxons)
- SIZE: 14
- DEX: 12
- STR: 13
- CON: 13
- APP: 13
- Damage: 5d6
- Healing Rate: 3
- Movement Rate: 3
- Total Hit Poits: 27
- Unconscious: 7
- Distinctive Features: Fair-haired, High Cheekbones
Family Characteristic: Keen Senses (+5 Awareness) (1d20 = 5)
Awareness 18, Boating 1, Compose 1, Courtesy 5, Dancing 2, Faerie Lore 1, Falconry 3, First Aid 10, Flirting 3, Folk Lore 2, Gaming 3, Heraldry 10, Hunting 10, Intrigue 3, Orate 5, Play (Harp) 3, Recognize 10, Religion (British Christian) 2, Singing 4, Stewardship 2, Swimming 10
Battle 10, Dagger 5, Horsemanship 15, Siege 2, Spear Expertise 15, Sword 15
Fair-haired, High Cheekbones, Valorous
Cuirboulli Armour, Shield, Sword, Spear, Rounsey
(Inheritence 1
Old Knights: 0 Middle-Aged Knights: 0 Young Knights: 3
- Total Family Knights: 4
- Other Lineage Men: 14
- Levy: 39
- Young Knight #1: First Cousin (Maternal): Alive and Married (Die Roll)
- Young Knight #2: Illegitimate Brother (Older): Alive and Married
- Young Knight #3: First Cousin (Maternal): Alive and Married (Die Roll)
- Mother: Alive and Married (Die Roll)
- Uncle (Paternal): Alive and Unmarried (Die Roll)
- Aunt (Maternal): Alive and Unmarried (Die Roll)
- Uncle (Maternal): Alive and Unmarried (Die Roll)
Woodford - Village. Hate Landlord 0
Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets
Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden