Scholar Medicae Ayria

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Career: Imperial Sanctioned Psyker - Scholar Medicae

Age: 34 (born 781/M41)

Build: Fit (160 cm, 60 kg)

Colouration: Tanned Skin, long wild white hair, non-functioning eyes

Quirk: Scars over body

Divination: - "Sins Hidden In The Heart Turn to Decay"

Personality: Stoic


Originally of Fenris, Ayria comes from a long line of Psykers who have provided the Imperial Guard and the Space Wolves Astartes legion with Psyker support on the battlefield, as the Space Wolf Rune Priests are rare. Her flesh warping powers even more terrifying than those of her Chaos Sorcerer opponents, she enjoys visiting the Emperor's Justice upon them. She regards herself as a proper wife to Him On Earth, but understands that the God-Chief of mankind has many brides. She doesn't understand why her armor wearing, bolter-carrying sisters get so angry with her when she proclaims they are in the same harem.

Ayria has served two decades in the Psykana, and was recently seconded to the Inquisition. So, while she is indeed a feral witch, she is no idiot, and is as literate and capable as many Adepta. In particular, her mastery of Imperial Scriptures is surprising and puts many Clerics off. "The role of Psykers is clear in the plan of my husband. Perhaps you will be burnt for your arrogant heresy, redepemptionist?"

Ayria usually serves as a Psyker medic when with a PDF platoon, lately having supported Storm Troopers during the battles near the Cadian Gate. However, Ayria is well rounded, and does not hesitate to inleash bio-lightning upon the Emperor's enemies! She also acts as an advisor to whatever commanders she is assigned to, interpreting the dreams and signs by way of the Imperial Tarot sent to her by her beloved husband.


Lean and scarred, Ayria has white scars over her tanned and brown body. Indeed, the Fenrisian is in much more vigorous physical health than most Imperial Psykers, and has no compunction to engaging in physical combat with the long tribal war knife she has brought from home. She normally wears flowing white robes and a fur lined cloak of the weather is cold, her burnt out eyes covered in devotional scripts of Fenrisian runes praising the God-Chieftain of mankind, who is her husband.


WS 30

BS 33

S 33

T 34

Ag 33

Int 33

Per 33

WP 38 (53)

Fel 31

Starting Wounds: 13

Starting Fate Points: 1


  • Feral World: Rite of Passage, Wilderness Savvy, Melee Weapon Training - Primitive, Iron Stomach, Speak Tribal Dialect
  • Primitive: -5 to all Fellowship rolls when dealing with non-Feral Worlders


  • Common Lore - Imperium, PDF
  • Meditation
  • Medicae
  • Literacy +10
  • Tech-Use
  • Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed, Occult)
  • Speak Language (Low Gothic, Tribal Dialect)
  • Trade (Soothsayer)
  • Secret Tongue (Acolyte)
  • Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10
  • Psyniscience +10
  • Invocation +10


  • Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
  • Pistol Training (Las)
  • Psy Rating 3
  • Minor Psychic Power X 3
  • Psychic Power X 2
  • Power Well

Minor Psychic Powers:

  • Call Item
  • Healer
  • Inflict Pain
  • Resist Possession
  • Sense Presence
  • Staunch Bleeding
  • Precognition
  • Spectral Hands

Psychic Powers

  • Bio-Lightning
  • Seal Wounds


  • Armor - Guard Flak Armor
  • Common quality Las pistol
  • Psy Focus (The Emperor's Tarot)
  • Microbead
  • Medikit
  • Ration Packs

Breakdown of XP Spent:

Starting Skills: Speak Language - Tribal Dialect, Low Gothic ; Melee Weapon Training - Primitive, Pistol Training - Las

Starting Talents: Psy Rating 1, Iron Stomach, Wilderness Savvy, Primitive, See Without Eyes (Rogue Trader, pg 127)

Rank 1: Sanctionite (0-499)

100 Willpower - Simple (+5)

100 Trade - Soothsayer

100 Scholatic Lore - Occult

200 Sound Constitution

Rank 2: Neonate (500-999)

250 Willpower - Intermediate

200 Psy Rating 2

Rank 3: Aspirant

500 Willpower - Trained

400 Minor Psychic Power X 4

100 Literacy +10

Rank 4: Scholar Materium (2000-2999)

100 Medicae

100 Tech Use

100 Psyniscience +10

100 Invocation +10

200 Psy Rating 3

100 Secret Tongue (Acolyte)

100 Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10

200 Power Well