Hic Sunt Dracones
A game of B/X D&D, run by Julius Sleazer
- Algernon "Algie" Blackthorn
- Deng, Toris' Henchman
- Hors, Algernon's Henchman
- Mardin
- Karlo, Mardin's henchman
- Toris the Indifferent
HexusOn sabbaticalSullleft a rich man- Blank Character Sheet
Useful Materials
Notes and Adventure Hooks
The Encumbrance Ape
Each PC should keep their encumbrance total to eight hundred CN or below, to preserve a 60' movement rate. The Mule may carry up to 4000 CN and maintain a 60' MR. For purposes of easy accounting, include your character's own money that they bring into the dungeon with them in the Kit section. The treasure section is to be used only for things we expect to garner XP for and divide evenly.
- Algernon's Kit: 680
- Additional Treasure: Treasure Map (I'm counting this as part of the 80cn general equipment thing)
- Total: 680
- Deng's Kit: 90
- Additional Treasure: None
- Total: 90
- Hexus' Kit: 370
- Additional Treasure: 10 magic arrows
- Total: 370
- Hors: 380
- Additional Treasure:
- Total
- Mardin's Kit: 782
- Additional Treasure: magic sword
- Total: 782
- Karlo's Kit 480
- Additional Treasre: None
- Total 480
- Toris' Kit: 621
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
Beasts of Burden
- Mule the Mule, Kit: 80cn: saddlebags, 6 large sacks, 50' rope
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
- Mule #2 Kit: 80 cn: 6 large sacks, saddlebags, 50' rope
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
- Dancer, the Warhorse (6/6)80 cn (saddle & bridle, 2 saddlebags)
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
- Wrack, the Warhorse (21 HP): 80cn: Saddle & Bridle, 2 saddlebags.
- Additional Treasure:
- Mardins Warhorse (5/13 HP) 80cn: Saddle & Bridle, 2 saddlebags.
- Additional Treasure:
- Karlo's riding horse (14 HP): 80cn: Saddle & Bridle, 2 saddlebags.
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
- Hors' Riding Horse (4/4): 80 cn (Saddle and bridle, 2 saddlebags)
- Additional Treasure:
- Total:
Current Dungeon Marching Order
- Mardin & Algernon
- Karlo
- Deng & Hors
- Toris