Day 1
- Main Page; Calendar
Left Keep on the Borderland in morning. Traveled east along main road to Caves of Chaos. Entered the south-western cave at 25' elevation at 11 am.
- Turn 1:
- Traveled to junction, followed south-east tunnel, after leaving torch burning at intersection.
- Bree-Yark! First combat. First round, Joe takes 1 hp and Dayrell takes 4 hp from spears thrown by goblins in front of the party. The party quickly and efficiently dispatches 6 goblin guards.
- Traveled to junction, followed south-east tunnel, after leaving torch burning at intersection.
- Turn 2:
- Party is in room in aftermath of fight, searching bodies, setting up some defenses, preparing spears for later use, etc.
- Turn 3:
- Party returns to intersection just inside cave entrance.
- Turn 4:
- Party heads west to T, turns north and moves into room. They throw burning oil to the far side to light things up, then sleep goblins.