Bam Bam Bigelow

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Power Superstar 7, Rough Superstar 5

Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 6'3", 360 pounds; Weight Class: Super Heavyweight; Lift DC: 16; Reputation: +3; Abilities: Str 18 (+4), Dex 13 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1); Endurance: 200; Trauma: 19; Base Attack Bonus: +9; Saves: Fort +14, Ref +4; Will +6; Training Background: Mat Wrestling

Skills: Balance +10 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +1, Synergy +2, Coordinated +2, Natural]

Bluff +5 [Ranks +4, Cha Mod +1]

Climb +9 [Ranks +5, Str Mod +4]

Concentration +9 [Ranks +5, Con Mod +3, Training Background Skill +1]

Escape Artist +5 [Ranks +2, Dex Mod +1, Coordinated +2]

Intimidate +6 [Ranks +5, Cha Mod +1]

Jump +6 [Ranks +0, Str Mod +4, Synergy +2]

Perform (Promo) +3 [Ranks +2, Cha Mod +1]

Perform (Vignette) +4 [Ranks +3, Cha Mod +1]

Profession (Actor) +5 [Ranks +5, Wis Mod +0]

Treat Injury +6 [Ranks +5, Wis Mod +0, Training Background Skill +1]

Tumble +8 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +1, Coordinated +2, Natural]

Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Coordinated, Extra Finisher (Wham, Bam, Thank You, Great Fortitude, High Pain Threshold, Impervious (3/segment), Moveset, Natural (Balance and Tumble), Overpowering Strike, Power Maneuvers Proficiency, Rough Maneuvers Proficiency, Signature Move (Bigelowsault), Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Toughness, Vigor

Talents: Badass, Brute Force, Hardcore, Immovable Object, Irresistible Force, Slobber-Knocker, Stomping a Mudhole, Tough Enough

Moveset: Clothesline (power/rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, knockdown check, Moveset bonus, -1 on maneuver check)

Cobra Clutch Bulldog (aerial/technical maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, Moveset bonus, -2 on maneuver check)

Double Underhook Backbreaker (power/rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, Moveset bonus, +0 on maneuver check)

Gorilla Press Slam (power/rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, Moveset bonus, -2 on maneuver check)

Signature Move: Bigelowsault [Moonsault] (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, immediate pin attempt, prone self, prone target, possible stun on self is missed, Signature Move bonus, +2 on maneuver check, 4/show)

Finishing Maneuver: Greetings From Asbury Park [Emerald Fusion] (power maneuver, 3d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, 2 Endurance cost, -3 on maneuver check)

Wham, Bam, Thank You [Diving Headbutt] (aerial/rough maneuver: 2d6 damage, prone target, prone self, possible stun, possible stun on self, -1 on maneuver check)

Biographical Links[edit]

OWW Profile

Wikipedia Profile