Day 1

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Left Keep on the Borderland in morning. Traveled east along main road to Caves of Chaos. Entered the south-western cave at 25' elevation at 11 am.

  • Turn 1:
    • Traveled to junction, followed south-east tunnel, after leaving torch burning at intersection.
      • Bree-Yark! First combat. First round, Joe takes 1 hp and Dayrell takes 4 hp from spears thrown by goblins in front of the party. The party quickly and efficiently dispatches 6 goblin guards.
  • Turn 2:
    • Party is in room in aftermath of fight, searching bodies, setting up some defenses, preparing spears for later use, etc.
  • Turn 3:
    • Party returns to intersection just inside cave entrance.
  • Turn 4:
    • Party heads west to T, turns north and moves into room. They throw burning oil to the far side to light things up, then Sleep goblins. They fight ogre who enters through secret door and defeat him, using much more fire. Arthrella is knocked unconscious and on Death's door. More goblins arrive which are also put to Sleep. Finally, a group of big goblins arrive, some of whom are killed, one of whom runs away, and the final one negotiates information with the part for the agreement to leave he and his people alone.
  • Turn 5:
    • Fires die down in room and it is searched.
  • Turn 6:
  • Enter the ogre's cave to examine it's contents.