Avalon Academy Molly

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Margaret "Molly" Brown[edit]

The Avalon Academy for Daughters of Military Officers


Athletics d4

Academics d6

Etiquette d8


Away With the Fairies




Molly is the most ordinary student you can ever find in the academy. Her family is reasonably wealthy for her to be there, but not influential enough to make her a major player in the school politics. She is one of the the middle children who doesn't get any particular attention from her parents, but isn't neglected or anything either. She is not good at physical activities, but she isn't horrible at it. She has decent grades to keep teachers off her back, but not good grades that attracts praise and jealousy. She possess enough social grace to hide her social grace and stay out of spotlight, so she could exist as an insignificant member of the class.

She does this for a purpose, however. It started with reading her younger siblings about the new fairy tale from the like of Oscar Wilde and Andrew Lang. She was fascinated by the tales, by how the writers take ideas and elements from the cruel, twisted tales of the old times and transform them into something brighter and lighter. She wanted to do something like that. She wanted to write her own fairy tale, about a group of young girls with magical powers, fighting off forces of evil to protect the kingdom. For this purpose, she minimize the time she spends on real life activities, so she could invest the rest into the fictional world in her mind.

Little did she know...