Genetor Parvus Orinoco-47

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The Magos in her casual attire.

Career Path[edit]


Origin Path[edit]

Homeworld: Battlefleet

Birthright: Unnatural Origins - False-Man

Lure of the Void: Crusade - Warrior

Trials and Tribulations: Rivals

Motivation: Pride


"This won't hurt a bit... *sinister giggling*"

Ori was decanted from an Iron Womb to be a daughter to two Genetors, who proceeded to train her up to follow in their footsteps. As a result, she absorbed a somewhat skewed worldview of the Omnissiah's practices; she holds finely engineered flesh as being the equivalent of conventional mechanical augmentation and actually leans towards (gasp) Progress and Innovation! Impressed by her dedication and fearing for her safety in the brutal and byzantine politics of the Church Omnissiah, they arranged to have her secreted onto a Rogue Trader's ship where she plies her trade in relative safety, far from Mechanicus zealots who might want to kill her for her worldview.

Ori is a someone demented denizen of the ships' medical bay and enginarium, and her borderline heretical preferences for fleshy meatbags combined with an absolute lack of social skills means she tends to wrap her mechadendrites around unfortunate but cute ratings who end up down there and cuddle them until they faint in sheer terror. She is, however, remarkably effective at maintaining ship health; just the threat of being sent to the medicae deck for "checkups" is enough to scare the ratings into taking their vitamins and keeping healthy.

As an Explorator, she is naturally talented in technical matters. At a young age, somebody replaced the Ethics 101 hypnotapes with the standard Adeptus Astra Stellar Navigation series, which means that while she's a genius around the starcharts, she has very little sense of right and wrong. Her other specialty is in medicine, where she possesses a skill level (and personality) commonly reserved for Ork Mad Doks. Despite all her maniacal grinning and insistence on thoroughly unnecessary procedures ("For SCIENCE!"), Ori takes her Hypocritic's Oath very seriously and strives to leave her patients in a better condition than when she first found them. Or at least, living... which can oftimes be a fate worse than death. (Just look at Space Marines in their Dreadnoughts!)

Ori has also turned to the field of nanotechnology as a means of augmenting herself without having to hack bits off of her beloved flesh; her engineered body helps with the process, but it doesn't help that she pretty much has to design every augment she wants to receive in order to preserve her standards of beauty and sophistication.


WS: 25 + 11 (rerolled to 19) +5 Warrior +5 Advance = 54

BS: 25 + 17 = 42

S: 25 + 10 +10 Brute +15 Advance = 60

T: 25 + 13 +3 Pride +5 Warrior +10 Brute +15 Advance = 71

Ag: 25 + 12 +3 False-Man = 40

Int: 25 + 18 +3 False-Man +15 Advance = 61

Per: 25 + 10 -5 Battlefleet = 30

WP: 25 + 11 +5 Battlefleet = 41

Fel: 25 + 13 +3 Battlefleet -3 False-Man +3 Rivals = 41

The two female officers of the Xanadu

Wounds: 1d5 (3) + 14 = 17 Wounds

Fate Points: 1d10 (7) = 4 FP

Insanity: 3d10 = 9 IP

Corruption: None Purer

Skills and Talents[edit]


  • Awareness (Per)
  • Dodge (Ag)
  • Common Lore (Imperial Navy, Machine Cult, Tech) (Int)
  • Forbidden Lore (Archeotech, Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int)
  • Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (Int)
  • Literacy (Int)
  • Logic (Int)
  • Medicae (Int)
  • Navigation (Stellar) (Int)
  • Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant, Explorator Binary, Low Gothic, Techna-Lingua) (Int)
  • Tech-Use (Int)
  • Trade (Armorer, Technomat) (Ag, Int)


  • Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
  • Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
  • Ambidextrous
  • Autosanguine
  • Electro Graft Use
  • Logis Implant
  • Mechadendrite Use (Utility)
  • Meditation
  • Peer (Military)
  • Rival (Adeptus Mechanicus)


  • Machine 1
  • Mechanicus Implants
  • Ship-Bound Fighter
  • Unnatural Strength (x2)
  • Unnatural Intelligence (x2)
  • Void Accustomed



  • GC Hellgun
  • GC Power Axe


  • Enforcer Light Carapace


  • Multikey
  • Voidsuit
  • Injector
  • Sacred Unguents
  • Microbead
  • Combitool
  • Dataslate
  • Pervo Skull

Acquisition: Mechadendrite Pack: Optical, Medicae, Utility.

XP Spending[edit]

Origin Path (600xp)[edit]

  • False-Man (250xp)
  • Warrior (250xp)
  • Rivals (100xp)

Stats (2800xp)[edit]

  • WS +5 (250xp)
  • S +10 (850xp)
  • T +15 (850xp)
  • Int +15 (850xp)

Techpriest Cybernetics Upgrades (600xp)[edit]

  • GC Cortex Implants (200xp)
  • BC Muscle Grafts (400xp)

Rank 1 (900xp)[edit]

  • Awareness (Per) (100xp)
  • Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (Int) (100xp)
  • Logis Implant (200xp)
  • Mechadendrite Use (Utility) (500xp)

Rank 2 (800xp)[edit]

  • Dodge (Ag) (200xp)
  • Medicae (Int) (200xp)
  • Electro Graft Use (200xp)
  • Prosanguine (200xp)

Rank 3 - Genetor (500xp)[edit]

  • A Machine Of Flesh - Brute (500xp)

Elite Advance (500xp)[edit]

  • The Flesh Is Weak 1 (500xp)