Vaskar is a farmhand-turned-rogue who's down on his luck. He fancies himself the finest shot in the land, but that is yet to be seen. He has a faithful mule, Sarah, who is more feisty than he'd like.
Character Sheet
- Level 1
- XP: 0
- Strength: 10
- Intelligence: 11
- Wisdom: 12
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 7
- Charisma: 14
AC: 7
HP: 3
Base Attack: +1
Move: 40'/round
Initiative +1
Reaction +1
Thief Abilities
- Open Locks 15
- Find Traps 10
- Remove Trap 10
- Climb Walls 87
- Move Silently 20
- Hide in Shadows 10
- Pick Pocket 20
- Hear Noise 20
Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 14
Paralysis/Petrify 13
Breath Weapon 16
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
- Skills: Balance +1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +1
- Weapon Proficiencies: Bastard Sword (B), Light Crossbow (B)
- Gear: Peasant clothes, long cloak, bastard sword, light crossbow, 60 bolts, backpack, long cloak, 10' pole, tinder box, purse, 1 week fresh rations, thieves' tools, full waterskin, leather armor, plain boots, 50' rope, mule with saddlebags
- Cloak, 10' pole, 50' rope, waterskin, tinderbox, and rations are being carried by mule
Money: 20gp, 5sp
Encumbrance: 388 on person, 375 on mule