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Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic), Awareness +10, Dodge +10, Literacy, Silent Move, Security, Shadowing, Tracking, Concealment

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Ambidextrous, Pistol Training (Las, SP, Bolt), Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt), Peer (Nobility, Adeptus Mechanicus), Catfall, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Mighty Shot, Crack Shot, Rapid Reload, Jaded, Dual Shot, Deadeye Shot, Quick Draw, Lightning Reflexes

Traits: Etiquette: (+10 on Charm, Deceive or Scrutiny Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations)

Supremely Connected: Start with Peer (Nobility) and gain one additional Peer talent.

Vendetta: Someone out there hates me, and they're trying to take me down.

Wealth: Double starting thrones, and a Noble for monthly income

Unsettling Presence: An untouchable suffers -10 to all Interaction skill tests.

Psychic Blank: The character may never gain Psychic Powers, Pure Faith, Sorcery or related Talents.

Psychic Invulnerability: An untouchable is completely immune to Psychic Powers, psychic energy and effets directed against them. He cannot be detected by means of Psyniscience, Sense Presence, or a similar ability.

Psychic Disruption: All Psychic Powers and abilities manifested in the character's immediate area (a radius equal to the Untouchable's Willpower Bonus in meters) have their threshold increased by 10, plus any associated Test by the psyker have their Difficulty increased by -20. Additionally, entities subject to Warp Instability will suffer double Damage from its effects while in this area.

Lineage: Shadowed Blood

Statistics Wounds: 11 Fate Points: 4

WS 20

BS 45

S 30

T 30

AG 47

IN 20

PE 40

WP 35

FE 15

Imperial Divination: Trust in your fear.


Starting Experience:

400 Exp: Untouchable

Rank 1: 100 Exp: Catfall

100 Exp: Silent Move

Rank 2: 100 Exp: Security

100 Exp: Shadowing

100 Exp: Tracking

100 Exp: Heightened Senses (Hearing)

100 Exp: Simple Agility Skill

Rank 3: 200 Exp: Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)

200 Exp: Mighty Shot

100 Exp: Crack Shot

100 Exp: Dodge +10

100 Exp: Concealment

100 Exp: Simple Ballistic Skill

100 Exp: Rapid Reload

100 Exp: Jaded

Rank 4: 200 Exp: Dual Shot

200 Exp: Deadeye Shot

100 Exp: Quick Draw

100 Exp: Pistol Training (Bolt)

100 Exp: Lightning Reflexes

100 Exp: Awareness +10

100 Exp: Basic Weapon Training (Bolt)


Angelus Bolt Carbine, Common Craftsmanship

3 Fire Selectors

3 Duplus Ammo Clips

Red-Dot Laser Sight

Cameleoline Cloak


Infra-Red Goggles (Disguised)

Good-craftsmanship Photo-Contacts

Recoil Gloves

Pair of Common-Craftsmanship Vanaheim-Pattern Assault Shotguns

15 Inferno Shells

126 Shotgun Shells

Compact Las Pistol

1 Charge Pack


Corpse Hair Charm

History House Texare grew to where they are now through ample use of assassination, most vividly their use of the Tricoteuse. However, there are several branches within the House Texare, with the five Lines making up the majority of Texare's power structure. While the Tricoteuse comes almost exclusively from the Matriarchal 'Ariadne' Line, the Avuncular 'Stiltskin' Line produces the most psychic of the Texare family. It is from the Stiltskin Line that Severus Septimus Morsus was born. But unlike what was expected, Morsus wasn't psychic. Quite the opposite.

A gaunt child even at birth, 'Severe Severus' had brooding eyes and a pronounced nose which would define his face for the entirety of his childhood. Something was off about the child, and while he learned all the appropriate skills for his eventual career as a hired killer, Morsus had no friends and no desire for them. Steady hands and a quick mind allowed the boy to master the sniper rifle, but the Stiltskin Linemaster couldn't bear the sight of the newest addition. Unlike the majority of the Line, Morsus was an Untouchable, anathema to psykers.

Tall and thin, Morsus generally wore a great coat that gave the appearance of more weight than the man actually had, allowing him to conceal weaponry underneath and surprise those who might underestimate him. Growing out his beard, most of Morsus' hair seemingly disappeared, giving him a bizarre tuft at the top of his abnormally shaped head and almost none elsewhere, at least on the top. His beard and mustache were excellent, truly beautiful examples of hair growth and maintenance.

Many decades later, Morsus had retired after a long career of successful assassinations. Released from House Texare's strenuous contracts, Severus moved to a smaller villa of the House's and atrophied somewhat, his skills slipping and his body undergoing rejuvenation processes. One day, he was given a summons -- his services had been 'requested.' The Stiltskin Line had dealings with the Adeptus Mechanicus, but this letter held a different seal, one that made the elderly assassin surprised. His services were being compelled by the Inquisition.

Suiting back up and grabbing his various weapons, Morsus made his way to the coordinates provided and awaited communication, prepared to serve the Inquisition to the best of his abilities. Confident he'd relearn the various knacks he'd picked up over the years, Morsus stood in the corner and awaited his fellow Acolytes, or the emergence of the Inquisitor who had summoned him.

Vanaheim 1 Clip 1: 15/15 Shells

Vanaheim 1 Clip 2: 15/15 Shells

Vanaheim 1 Clip 3: 15/15 Shells

Vanaheim 2 Clip 1: 15/15 Shells

Vanaheim 2 Clip 2: 15/15 Shells

Vanaheim 2 Clip 3: 15/15 Shells

Angelus Clip 1: 3/3 Inferno Rounds

Angelus Clip 2: 3/3 Inferno Rounds

Angelus Clip 3: 3/3 Inferno Rounds