Picture and Coat of Arms
Personal Data
- Name: Sir Jacen the White Wolf
- Religion: British Christian
- Father's Class: Vassal Knight
- Lord: Roderick, Earl of Salisbury
- Current Class: Vassal Knight
- +1,000 (Knighting Ceremony)
- +195 (Battle of Mearcred Creek)
- +16 (Loyalty: Companions)
- Distinctive Features: Fair-haired, High Cheekbones
Personality Traits
- Forgiving 10 / 10 Vengeful
- Temperate 14 / 6 Indulgent
- Trusting 10 / 10 Suspicious
- +Valorous 16 / 4 Cowardly
- Directed Trait: Suspicious of Silchester +3
- Loyalty (Earl Roderick): 15
- Religion (British Christian): 3
- Family Characteristic: Keen Senses (+5 Awareness)
- Chainmail & Open Helm (10 pts.)
- Heirloom: Old Tomcat (Venerable Bede) (+1£/Winter; 1d20/Winter: 1-3 Bede Dies, 4-6 Kitten Shows Prowess)
- Distinctive Feature: Freckle-faced
Salisbury Family History
- Great-grandfather: Sir Meric
- Year 439: His son, Galen, was born. Fought at the Battle of Carlion. Gained 60 points of Glory. And survived. No passion gained.
- Year 440: Served garrison duty; survived Pictish raiding. Gained 10 points of Glory.
- Years 441-442: Served garrison duty; survived raiding. Gained 20 points of Glory.
- Year 443: Served garrison duty; killed by raiders. Gained 20 points of Glory.
- Year 460: Served garrison duty; saw little or no combat.
- Year 462: Served garrison duty; saw little or no combat.
- Year 463: Night of Long Knives treachery.
- Year 464: Married an heiress who had 100 points of Glory.
- Year 465: His son, Jacen, was born.
- Years 466-467: Fought at the Siege of Carlion. Gained 30 points of Glory. And survived.
- Year 468: Served garrison duty; saw little or no combat.
- Years 469-472: Raided enemy territory with Uther. Gained 100 points of Glory.
- Year 473: Fought at the Battle of Windsor. Gained 15 points of Glory. And survived. Gained Hate (Saxons): 14 as a passion.
- Years 474-476: Served garrison duty and survived. Gained 25 points of Glory.
- Year 477: Saxons invaded southern Britain.
- Years 478-479: Sailed with the High King's fleet. Gained 25 points of Glory. Fought at the Battle of Frisia. Gained 90 points of Glory. And survived.
- Year 480: Fought at the Battle of Salisbury at Menevia. Gained 270 points of Glory. And survived.
- Years 481-483: Served garrison duty; saw little or no combat.
- Year 484: Died. Of natural causes.
Family Members
- Young Knight #1: Illegitimate Brother (Older)
- Young Knight #2: First Cousin (Maternal)
- Young Knight #3: First Cousin (Maternal)
- Sir Colin (Grandfather): Deceased
- Sir Galen (Father): Deceased
- Alia (Mother): Alive and Married
- Tomas (Uncle, Paternal): Alive and Unmarried
- Aneira (Aunt, Maternal): Alive and Unmarried
- Branor (Uncle, Maternal): Alive and Unmarried
- Sir Merek (Brother, Illegitimate): Alive and Married
- Sir Dristan (Cousin, Maternal): Alive and Married
- Sir Owen (Cousin, Maternal): Alive and Married
- Manor (Simple Hall, Wooden)
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