New Spells
The following spells are known jointly by the Callarii and Vyalia Elves. Some are different in minor details; usually, only the name has changed, in which case the Callarii name is written first, followed by the Vyalia equivalent.
- Birdsong/Birdcall (Elf)
Level: 1
Range: touch
Duration: 1d6+6 turns
Effect: translates target's voice into birdsong This spell causes the voice of the recipient to be translated into bird calls for the duration of the spell. All those under the spell effect, however, are able to understand each other as if they were speaking normally.
The spell was designed to allow those affected to communicate without others understanding the conversation; it is particularly useful for scouts in wooded areas, since intruders will hear nothing but the calls of birds. Since the spell is 1st level, even the lowest-level Elven scout can cast it - in the Vyalia clans, it is the first spell taught to any prospective scout. With experience, the caster can choose the birdcalls to be emulated; many scouts have "signature" bird-voices. Some scouts may even take a use-name based on their Birdcall voice, such as the female scout Magpie of Greenheight.
The Vyalia commonly employ their version of the spell for secret communication; they have also found it useful to heighten the mystery surrounding their forests, as lone intruders may emerge with voices transformed into the croak of a raven or the trill of a robin. The Callarii, in addition to the uses outlined above, have used Birdsong to develop a new art form, with talented minstrels writing and singing beautiful melodies especially designed to take advantage of the spell effect. The Callarii sense of humour occasionally results in the spell being employed for a mild practical joke on outsiders. Note: the spell cannot be used to prevent enemy spellcasters from using magic, since they may still speak; although the sound is altered, the spell is cast as normal.
- Tracing Beast/Woodland Spy (Elf)
Level: 3
Range: 10'
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: creates clairvoyant link to 1 animal
This idiosyncratic version of the Clairvoyance spell is used by the forest Elves to keep track of interlopers and strangers in the Elvish homelands. The spell allows the casting Elf to see through the eyes of one particular animal for the next hour, enabling the Elf to trace her target for the next hour without being seen. The spell grants no control over the linked animal; some other magic must be used for that purpose, or the Elf must spend weeks or months training the creature (requiring the Animal Training skill) to follow a person marked with a particular scent - most users of this spell carry small blowpipes which shoot a scent-soaked ball at the target, unobtrusively marking them with the necessary odour.
The effective range of the link is 300' for the Tracing Beast spell, or 400' for the Woodland Spy - although the Callarii developed the spell first, the Vyalia have managed to improve on it in the last 50 years of use. Should the beast and caster be separated by greater distance than the spell's limit, the enchantment is broken.
The Callarii use Tracing Beast mostly to track unknown intruders so that they may direct them gently away from centres of population, or ensure they do not blunder into danger because of their ignorance. The Vyalia employ Woodland Spy to help them in driving invaders out of the forest, or into traps. Favoured beasts used by the Callarii include squirrels, thrushes, and rabbits (for open areas). The Vyalia prefer foxes, otters and (if they wish to make the intruders nervous) wolves.
- Leafy Haven/GreenwallsLevel: 4
Range: 10'
Duration: 12 hours, or see below
Effect: 10'x10'x10' cube
This spell provides a safe haven for travelling Elves in unfamiliar woodlands. Upon casting, all plants within the area of effect around the caster animate and move away to the edge of the spell's range, where they interweave with each other, forming dense walls and a ceiling over the denuded area. The outside of the cube is disguised by the spell, so that its artificial nature is not readily apparent (roll 1 on 1d6 to spot the structure; 1-2 on 1d6 if searchers are specifically looking for it); any creature which tries to enter from the outside will be gently resisted. The Leafy Haven can take up to 25hp before disintegrating, and regenerates 1hp/round (not including fire or acid damage). The Haven dissolves back into its original configuration when the spell expires, when the caster wishes it, or upon destruction. If the caster wishes, gaps can be left in the walls or ceiling (arrow-slits in the walls, for instance, or a smoke-hole in the roof).
Treesense Level: 5 Range: caster Duration: 1d4+2 Turns Effect: allows spiritual merge with trees This spell is reserved for the Treekeepers of the Callarii and Vyalia, and their assistants. The spell allows the caster to link his spirit with a chosen tree, merging with it on a fundamental level. The caster becomes aware of the vegetable "consciousness" of the tree, and can sense the presence and nature of any "blackness" in its aura (decay, damage, poison etc). The Keeper can use this gestalt of spirit to range out over the forest, touching all other trees of the same genus within range (an oak-gestalt, for instance, allows the caster to touch only oak-trees in range). The spell allows the Treekeeper a range of 500 yards radius/level of caster; therefore, to scan an entire forest will require many days of travelling.
The Treesense spell is used to detect corruption and sickness within the forest, hopefully with sufficient warning to cure or limit the infection. Until recently, the Treekeeper would make a Grand Procession once every ten years, casting the spell in different areas in order to scan the entire forest; since the corruption of the Canolbarth Forest by the Shadow Elves, however, the spell is employed at least once a year - more often, if possible - - to ensure the same transformation does not occur in Karameikos or Thyatis.
The spell may also be used to enable the Treekeeper to achieve communion with the Tree of Life itself; since the Tree is sentient, this is a much more equal and satisfying gestalt. Every new Treekeeper must cast this spell as part of his investiture, to allow the Tree of Life to recognise and become accustomed to his aura (and also, potentially, to allow the Tree to veto the new Treekeeper, although this has happened only once in living memory). If the Treekeepers of "mother" and "daughter" Trees (or "sisters" from the same "mother") both link to their respective Trees at the same time, they may communicate telepathically with each other for the duration of the spell.
Many Elven nations - the former residents of Alfheim and the Callarii & Vyalia Clans in particular - have a rich magical heritage, and many Elves practice the tradition of creating "signature" spells. These are new spells, or personal adaptations of existing ones, which are used by that Elf alone (although some creators are happy to share their signature spells with others), and often reflect their philosophy or personality. Most Elves create only a single signature spell during their long lifetimes, while others may formulate two or more. Over the centuries, the Lore-keepers of the clans have built up a large collection of these spells, some of which become part of the "common spells" list for that Clan. Simenodar of Greenheight's "Cold Flame" and Alerivyn Feadiel of Alfheim's "Missile Storm" and "Waiting Storm" are examples of signature spells; a further selection is detailed below.
Ymarien's Choir Level: 1 Range: caster Duration: 1 hour Effect: harmonises a single voice The Elven Minstrel Ymarien of the Callarii, a wanderer and part-time adventurer, created this signature spell simply to improve her performance. This spell did more to enhance her reputation than all her considerable musical skill, and resulted in her becoming a regular performer at the court of King Stefan of Karameikos (and also a partner of the Dilettante Mage Enigma, but that's another story...)
The spell, a form of audible illusion, allows the caster to generate additional voices which harmonise when the caster is singing. The caster must have the Singing skill, and be capable of singing those harmonies herself. The caster may generate one additional voice (which sings in thirds) at 1st level, and one additional voice at each level thereafter. An experienced singer-spellcaster may use less than the total number of voices available to her (or none, if she wishes to sing "solo"), or may set particular voices to sing counterpoint or even different words, if she chooses. Controlling a number of voices takes considerable concentration; the caster may do nothing but sing (and play, if a musician) while generating a Choir.
Ymarien's Choir has no combat use whatsoever. A Minstrel who uses this spell in performance (if performing to an audience which is not antagonistic to magic) may generate additional revenue (see Bruce Heard's Robrenn Bard class variant for guidelines on performance fees, or simply add 1d6 cp per commoner or 1d6 gp per Noble listening to the normal "take").
Hivelar's Peacebringer Level: 2 Range: 150' Duration: 1 round Effect: 1 bolt (+2 per 5 levels) Hivelar of Foreston was an assistant Treekeeper for her Clan when she devised this spell, 150 years ago. A pacifist, with an unusual degree of empathy for non-Elven beings, she sought to create a spell which would prevent bloodshed by peaceful means.
Hivelar's Peacebringer creates a glowing arrow of pale yellow which, upon striking its target, disrupts violent emotions (anger, hate, fear, etc). A saving throw vs. spells applies; if failed, the target is confused for one round, unable to perform any action which requires thought. Anyone attacking during this round does so with automatic initiative. In the round following, the target recovers rational thought, and may resume their former actions (and work back up to their former emotional state) if they desire. Whilst of little combat use, this spell can prevent harm caused unintentionally in the heat of the moment and defuse short tempers. It is particularly effective against animal life, who may be driven to attack from hunger, injury, or a need to defend their young. The caster gains two additional bolts at 8th level, which may be fired at different targets; additional bolts fired at the same target have no cumulative effect.
NB: Should a non-Elven spellcaster be permitted to learn the spell, he will continue to gain additional bolts every 5 levels (5 at 13th, 7 at 18th, etc).
Faery Wings Level: 3 Range: touch Duration: 1d6+6 Turns Effect: allows recipient to fly Camellara of Blueleaf, a former adventurer, devised this signature spell as an attractive variant of the traditional Fly spell. An artist and designer of considerable flair and talent, she uses the optional aspects of the spell (see below) to try out new patterns or complement new designs.
The Faery Wings spell causes diaphanous, butterfly-like wings to grow from the shoulderblades of any elf it is cast upon - the spell works *only* for Elves, and those of Elven descent (N'djatwa could be affected, as could Pegataurs - if they needed it - and Half-Elves, such as those found in Eusdria). These allow the recipient to fly, at a rate of 360', for up to 3 Turns continuously; the wings are a living, albeit temporary, part of the Elf, so continuous flight is tiring. After continuous flight of more than 1 Turn, a rest period of 1 Turn is required before taking off again.
The Faery Wings themselves are AC 7, no matter what the normal AC of the recipient may be; armour cannot be worn in conjunction with them. Rings of Protection, and other similar magics, can improve this Armour Class. The Wings can take up to 10 hp worth of damage (calculated separately from normal hp) before disappearing and ending the spell.
The normal appearance of the Faery Wings is plain, translucent white. However, if the caster chooses, they may be coloured or decorated in any design or pattern she desires. As stated above, Camellara usually patterns her own Wings to complement the designs of her latest gowns.
Antivenin Level: 5 Range: caster Duration: 1 turn Effect: creates antidote This spell is ancient, created as a signature spell by Dorenam Treekeeper of the Callarii over 600 years ago. Dorenam, an aged Elf when he took the post, found his mate late in life; they had barely 10 years together before Reyneva was slain by a poisoned arrow. Dorenam, for all his magic, could not save her, so he devoted years of his life to creating a mighty spell which would ensure others did not suffer the same fate.
Antivenin allows the caster to create an antidote to one specific poison (natural or chemical) within his own body. A sample of the poison must be ingested immediately after the spell is cast (unless it is the caster who is poisoned, in which case this is unnecessary). Within 1d4 rounds, the poison within his body is neutralised, and the caster's canine teeth lengthen, sharpen and become hollow, like those of a snake. To administer the antivenene, the caster must pierce the skin of the affected being and inject it through the hollow fangs (this causes 1 hp of damage). The caster's "antidote sacs" contain enough antivenene to cure 5-10 (1d6+4) human-sized beings. Once the spell ends, the unused antivenene dissolves back into the caster's body and the fangs revert to canine teeth. There is no way to retain this antidote for later use; antivenene "milked" from the caster's fangs becomes simple water (or perhaps blood) after the spell expires. The spell is only effective against ingested or injected poisons; magical poisonous effects are immune to this spell. Note that any damage caused by the poison before administering the Antivenin must be cured by normal means.
Unlike many Treekeeper-created spells, this one is held in the common domain, at Dorenam's request. Any Callarii, Vyalia or (since the exodus) Alfheim Elf of sufficient level can learn to cast this spell, if they so choose.