First Level
Birdsong/Birdcall (Elf)
- Level: 1
- Range: touch
- Duration: 1d6+6 turns
- Effect: translates target's voice into birdsong This spell causes the voice of the recipient to be translated into bird calls for the duration of the spell. All those under the spell effect, however, are able to understand each other as if they were speaking normally.
The spell was designed to allow those affected to communicate without others understanding the conversation; it is particularly useful for scouts in wooded areas, since intruders will hear nothing but the calls of birds. Since the spell is 1st level, even the lowest-level Elven scout can cast it - in the Vyalia clans, it is the first spell taught to any prospective scout. With experience, the caster can choose the birdcalls to be emulated; many scouts have "signature" bird-voices. Some scouts may even take a use-name based on their Birdcall voice, such as the female scout Magpie of Greenheight.
The Vyalia commonly employ their version of the spell for secret communication; they have also found it useful to heighten the mystery surrounding their forests, as lone intruders may emerge with voices transformed into the croak of a raven or the trill of a robin. The Callarii, in addition to the uses outlined above, have used Birdsong to develop a new art form, with talented minstrels writing and singing beautiful melodies especially designed to take advantage of the spell effect. The Callarii sense of humour occasionally results in the spell being employed for a mild practical joke on outsiders. Note: the spell cannot be used to prevent enemy spellcasters from using magic, since they may still speak; although the sound is altered, the spell is cast as normal.