Gunstar Panther

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Panther Flight

Ever since a legendary practical joke played in 3221 by the famous Sidereal prankster Righteous Sage Bride, Panther flight has suffered under an unusual quirk of Fate; as long as it is headed solely by women pilots, the Flight prospers. Male Celestials, on the other hand, tend to become catastrophic casualties soon after transferring into the flight. Nobody knows exactly what the tricksy vizier intended by this astrological crafting, but as long as it rules, no one dares cross it.

Foxtailed Natal

The merchant of pain

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Callsign: “Smoker”

Caste: Eclipse

Age: 57

Panther Wing’s commander. Before giving it all up to patriotically join the Gunstar Defense League, Natal was one of the principle dealmakers in Claslat, at one point controlling as much as thirty percent of the nation’s shadow economy. Some people still whisper that her military career is all part of a singularly long-con.

Ghost of Heaven

The butcher of tyrants

Rank: Lieutenant

Callsign: “Whisper”

Caste: Night

Age: 26

Cold, silent, and remote to an extent that sometimes terrifies her Lunar wife, Heaven is possessed of an all consuming hatred for the minions of the Primordial Host. Granted, hating the enemy is supposed to be a good thing, but there’s just something unsettling about the way she giggles as she kills.

Kaja Samri

The silver-tongued cipher

Rank: Lieutenant

Callsign: “Grinner”

Caste: Changing Moon

Totem: Serpent

Tell: a fine network of scales around her mouth and eyes

Age: 79

Mated and hopelessly in love with Ghost of Heaven, the fast-talking androgynous Lunar tries (and often fails) to exert a calming influence on Heaven’s butchery. She ends up apologizing a lot. All she wants is for everyone to get along.

Alla of the Seven Bells

The earthy vizier

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Callsign: “Mother”

Caste: Chosen of Journeys

Age: 50

The rarest of the rare, Alla is a Sidereal Voidfighter pilot. Alla scorned the disapproval of her colleagues by risking her life in direct battle, all because of a mad, desperate, all-encompassing love of flight. Easy-going and freedom-loving, Alla lives for those too-infrequent moments when she can taste the Void.

Diamond-Tooth Jane

The Stainless Moonsilver Rat

Callsign: “Betty”

Caste: No Moon

Age: 38

Totem: Rat

Tell: Blue fur, pointed pink nose

Big, bluff, and blue-haired, Jane is frequently mistaken for a Full Moon based on her size and demeanor. But the truth is, her passion has always been getting inside the guts of machinery and making them purr. She can often be seen in the repair bay, lugging around Voidfighter cores with her bare hands while in War Form, or drinking Terrestrials under the table after a hard day’s work welding. Just don’t mention her solar mate; it’s a sore subject.


Dabo Killin

The earnest young noncom

Aspect: Wood

Callsign: “Woody”

Rank: Seargeant

Age: 25

Killin would be the youngest Dragon Leader if not for Scarlet, and he desperately wants to prove his worth. He leads Panther flight’s three Terrestrial wings, and is the subject of much ribbing from the all girl flight. He hates his callsign so damn much, you have no idea.