Uroxi Chargen
- Your characters can come from anywhere within Dragons pass, the Holy country, Prax, within the Lunar empire, or any of the other Western nations, must be initiates of Stormbull/Urox/stormbill and be long serving members of Onar Onari's Pol joni war band. I will entertain Humans, Ducks, Baboons, Agimori and Morokanth. Praxian nomads are fine, though they are now horse riding Pol Joni.
- You have been initiates for ten years, and are 26+ years old.
- Choose three runes. Stormbull's own runes are Air and the eternal battle rune. You must have both of these This is to help me with the heroquest aspect.
- 2d6+6 for each or a 90 point build.
- Roll for an increase in attributes: str, con, dex, pow and cha p 104 RQII rulebook.
- Sense chaos starts at 5%+perception bonus and you get +40%+1d10% from experience.
- Take your R/W skill (Including natural bonus) and redistribute elsewhere. "You read? say what?"
- Start spells for free: Detect enemies, dispel magic 1, fanaticism 1, healing 2 and protection 1. (I will allow healing 3 if you lose detect enemies and dispel magic from the list)
Stat your character
- and then either choose five years as a Foot barbarian or mounted Barbarian
- For spells you get 4 points chosen from the list, (If you take protection 2 it only costs one point as you already have one point above, same with fanaticism 2). That works out as 1pt per year of initiate, with those above.
- Lets have one unarmed skill that covers everything: Dex +Str x 2. You're a bunch of brawling Uroxi.... Damage will depend on what you use: Fist, Head Butt, kick, stomach smash..... This will cover grapple too.
- Riding is a flat 90% to take in the following mounted mercenary. choose 6 skills at 40% plus bonus the rest are at 30% plus bonus. just use the foot barbarian's skill list, but add swimming and listen too.
- Choose your weapons: Your signature weapon , including bonuses,will be attack 90% Parry is 45% including bonus.(Not to be increased further), your other two will be at 20% plus bonuses for both atacck and parry.
- 1d4 defence increases: INT as a percentage on 1d100
- Money is 1000 lunars.
- Armour: leather and cuirboilli cuirass, greaves, vambraces, leather skirt and open helm.
Once that is done.
- Take 5 years as a mounted mercenary: Light Cavalry.
- Choose your weapons combos. Main weapon will be attack 60% plus bonus and parry 30% (make sure it is different from your 90% weapon above). For the two other weapons, if the same as above +20%, otherwise 30% plus bonus. For both attack and parry.
- Take 1d6 defence increases: INT as a percentage on 1d100
- choose magic
- Money INT x 100L
- Skills.
- One skill from the list below, at +25% to your current skill, all the others +15% to your current skill
- Camouflage
- Hide in cover
- Spot Hidden
- Spot Traps
- Tracking
- Credit: Take the max offered. You have paid it back or it was offered in payment. So you can take POWx100l in magic from your cult, Strx200L for weapons. Dex x100l from the thieves guild (remember lock picking and pickpocketing are doubled in price because of cult restrictions) etc. Remember that some spells are reduced in cost via your cult.
- You each speak our own language, Beast speech and trade talk but only fail on a fumble. So no need for skill points.
- You each have the Peaceful cut, but only fail on a fumble. So no need for skill points.
- Roll once on the crystal table or take a bound spirit, either bound in a crystal or in a familiar. StormBull familiars? Pitbulls? Probably asking for trouble bringing a familiar with you to be honest. Pretty much guaranteed chaos food.
- Take one matrix up to 1d2+2 pts.
- Two potions/venoms of choice, not Pow increase. Healing potions 1d4+2, same for battle magic, poison/acid 2d6+3. A cure disease potion would work too. One dose for one disease of your choice.
- You have one of each weapon that you have a skill in. Bronze.
- Apart from the starting armour mentioned above: Roll 30% for each location and replace with metal equivalent if rolled under: scale, mail, or plate for greaves/vambraces. helmet will become a closed one.
- Think what a mercenary captain would carry and it's yours. You can but better armour if you wish.
- We can talk quest gear IC.
Rune Magic.[edit]
- Slightly different rules here.
- You each have gained one point of rune magic per year of initiate. This is regained once each year in the sacred time. You have all been recuperating, and training since then and have a full store of spells.
- So you have ten points.
- Don't pick any, but when you need to use something in game, you can choose from the list on the wiki page
- Eg: you are about to fight the chaos beast of Blurg and you decide to call on your god's protection and cast Shield. Bingo, done deal, one point gone. Next it's Mindlink as you search the tunnels with a companion: Bingo, done deal, another point gone.
Heroquesting powers from previous quests.[edit]
We'll talk about that later.
- Name your specific Chaos Foe
- Exactly what it says on the tin. One foe that has been your bane or special foe to hunt down...Gorp? Broo? Walktapi?
Runelord requirements.[edit]
- 90% in tribal weapon, 4 points of healing and 90% in four of the below: another weapon, shield, riding, tracking, Spot hidden, climb or sense chaos.
- You will start of with two of them at 90% and probably several quite close or even there. There will be several chances to go up in skills during the quest from experience. Don't stress though as becoming khans isn't part of the adventure..that's for after you get back...But being close is good enough.