BD&D Magic User

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Magic User

Description: Magic users are humans who have studied the arts of magic and can cast spells. Spells are stored in a magic user's personal spell book. Spells are too complicated to cast without referencing the spell book, so magic users cast directly from the spell book when they can. However, in the typical adventure, things happen too fast to depend on that. As such, magic users perform most of the rituals associated with a spell while in a safe place, only preserving the final lines and gestures to complete the spell. This is difficult, so magic users can only have on spell prepared at a time. As they gain experience they can prepare additional spells, and more complicated spells.

Restrictions: Magic users cannot use any sort of armor or shield and are limited to using only daggers or staffs in combat.

Prime Requiste: Their prime requisite ability is Intelligence. Magic users with an 13-15 Intelligence gain a +5% bonus to earned experience. Magic users with an 16-18 Intelligence gain a +10% bonus to earned experience. Likewise, Magic users with an 6-8 Intelligence suffer a -10% penalty to earned experience, and Magic Users with an 3-5 Intelligence suffer a -20% penalty to earned experience.

Spell Book: Special consideration should be given to carrying a spell book on adventures with the magic user. Spells cannot be prepared without the book, so it is tempting to take the book on the adventure. At the same time, a spell book that is lost or destroyed leaves the magic user without the ability to prepare new spells without replacing the entire book, which is a considerable undertaking. With sufficient funds, additional books may be purchased. <<placeholder for details on magic book costs>>

Levels Title Experience Points Hit Dice Spells
1 Medium 0 1d4 1 first level
2 Seer 2500 2d4 2 first level
3 Conjurer 5000 3d4 2 first level + 1 second level
Saving Throws
Poison or Death Ray 13
Magic Wand 14
Turn to Stone or Paralysis 13
Dragon Breath 16
Spells or Magic Staff 15

To Hit Roll Needed
Armor Class of Foe 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
Levels 1 - 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Levels 6 - 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Attribute adjustments: Magic users may lower Strength and/or Wisdom by 2 points to raise Intelligence by 1 point. This process may be repeated, though Strength and Wisdom may not be lowered below 9, and Intelligence cannot rise above 18. These adjustments may only be done at character creation.

Magic User Spells

   1st Level:
           Detect Magic 
           Read Magic  
           Protection from Evil
           Charm Person 

- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands