Attribute modifier changes

From RPGnet
Revision as of 06:55, 11 October 2012 by (talk) (Created page with "Heres our old changes. Str: To hit Dam 6-7 -1 -1 8-9 0 -1 10-11 none 12-13 0 +1 14-15 +1 +1 16-17 +1 +2 18 +2 +2 (to 50) +2 +3 (to 75) +2 +4 (to 90) +2 +5 (to 99) +2 +6 (00) +3 ...")
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Heres our old changes.

Str: To hit Dam 6-7 -1 -1 8-9 0 -1 10-11 none 12-13 0 +1 14-15 +1 +1 16-17 +1 +2 18 +2 +2 (to 50) +2 +3 (to 75) +2 +4 (to 90) +2 +5 (to 99) +2 +6 (00) +3 +6

Dex: Surprise missiles AC adj 6-7 -1 -1 -1 8-9 0 0 -1 10-11 none 12-13 0 0 -1 14-15 +1 +1 -2 16-17 +2 +2 -3 18 +3 +3 -4

Con: HP adj 6-7 -1 8-9 0 10-11 none 12-13 +1 14-15 +1 16-17 +2 (+3) 18 +2(+4)

Int as is.

wisdom wis: Mental St 6-7 -1 8-9 -1 10-11 none 12-13 +1 14-15 +1 16 +2 17 +3 18 +4

Cha as is