Hobgoblin Loot
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Coins: 138 cp (Knuckle, Pearl, Dayrell split) 526 sp (250 Joe) (Knuckle, Pearl, Dayrell split) 151 ep (Joe) 486 gp (454 Richie) (Knuckle, Pearl, Dayrell split) 30 pp (Knuckle, Pearl, Dayrell split) 130 gp (Elgar)
Magic: Wand - wt 10 (Joe) Brown Vial of Liquid - wt 10 (Richie) Magic Dagger - wt 10 Taken Weapons: silver arrows (6) (Edward) silver arrows (8) (Seb) 1 battleaxe (Elgar) 1 sword (Elgar) 2 swords (Liffick, Burkert) 2 short bows (Liffick, Burkert) 3 crossbows (Knuckle, Pearl, Elgar) 2 score of arrows (Liffick, Burkert) 3 score of bolts (Knuckle, Pearl, Elgar) 2 spears (Liffick, Burkert) 1 spear (orc)
Sold Weapons and Armor: (670 gp) (Knuckle, Pearl, Dayrell split) 6 daggers 4 maces 1 long bow 10 crossbows 9 score of arrows 6 score of bolts 48 spears 19 pole arms 2 suits of elven chainmail 8 shields 42 helms
Armor: 1 suit of man-sized plate armor (Seb) 1 suit of dwarf-sized plate armor (Elgar) 3 suits of man-sized chain mail (Liffick, Burkert, orc) 3 shields (Liffick,Burkert,Elgar)
Other: (split between characters) Tapestry (900 gp) - wt 50 (Joe) Fancy belt (600 gp) - wt 20 (Joe) writ from Guild (Edward)